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[英]Alternative for fs.readFile when targeting the web using webpack

In my Electron application I am reading some application files (not user files, but actual files in the Electron application root) using fs.readFile however this obviously won't work when packing for the web. 在我的Electron应用程序中,我正在使用fs.readFile读取一些应用程序文件(不是用户文件,而是Electron应用程序根目录中的实际文件),但是在打包Web时显然无法正常工作。 Alternatively I tried to implement something along the lines of the following: 另外,我尝试按照以下方式实现某些功能:

function loadFile(filePath: string) {
    let result = null;
    const xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
    xmlhttp.open("GET", filePath, false);
    if (xmlhttp.status === 200) {
        result = xmlhttp.responseText;
    return result;

Unfortunately I am getting the following exception: XMLHttpRequest cannot load file:///[...]/Testfile.txt. Cross origin requests are only supported for HTTP. 不幸的是,我收到以下异常: XMLHttpRequest cannot load file:///[...]/Testfile.txt. Cross origin requests are only supported for HTTP. XMLHttpRequest cannot load file:///[...]/Testfile.txt. Cross origin requests are only supported for HTTP.

I'd like to know which approach I can use to load the content of a "server" file and not local file (even though I am testing locally at the moment) when packing for the web. 我想知道在打包Web时可以使用哪种方法来加载“服务器”文件而不是本地文件的内容(即使我目前正在本地测试)。

My solution did not work as I have opened the application locally in my browser and thus the request protocol was file:// . 我的解决方案无法正常工作,因为我已经在浏览器中本地打开了应用程序,因此请求协议为file:// In order to be able to debug it I installed serve and started a local server to test the app. 为了能够对其进行调试,我安装了serve并启动了本地服务器来测试该应用程序。

Have your questions been answered? 您的问题已经回答了吗? If not. 如果不。 try this: 尝试这个:

if (xmlhttp.status === 200 || xmlhttp.status === 0) {
    result = xmlhttp.responseText;

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