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[英]Thymeleaf: Error parsing a Javascript expression

I have a Thymeleaf template with this piece of code 我有一块Thymeleaf模板,上面有这段代码

<a href="#" th:onclick="'performAjaxCall('@{/mymenupricesummary/pricealarm/1/{id}(id=${menuPriceSummary.menu.id})}');'">

But when I start the app I got this error: 但是,当我启动应用程序时,出现此错误:

Could not parse as expression: "javascript: ...

Yes, you need to format this correctly. 是的,您需要正确设置其格式。 This works for me: 这对我有用:

<a href="#" th:onclick="'performAjaxCall(\'' + @{/mymenupricesummary/pricealarm/1/{id}(id=${menuPriceSummary.menu.id})} + '\');'">

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