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[英]Update position marker on Leaflet map on double click

I have this code to add to Leaflet map marker genereted by JSON file 我将这段代码添加到由JSON文件生成的Leaflet映射标记中

jQuery().ready(function (){ 
        for ( var i=0; i < data.length; ++i )
            var myIcon = L.icon({
            iconUrl: 'maps/images/' + data[i].type + '.png',
            iconRetinaUrl: 'maps/images/' + data[i].type + '.png',
            iconSize: [42, 55],
            iconAnchor: [9, 21],
            popupAnchor: [0, -14]
            markerArray[i] = L.marker( [data[i].latitude, data[i].longitude], {id: data[i].id, icon: myIcon, draggable:'true'} )
            .bindPopup( '<div>' + '<b>PDL di riferimento:</b> ' + data[i].codice + '<br/>'
                + '<b>Riferimento appaltatore:</b> '
                + data[i].companyId + '<br/>'
                + '<b>Tipo contenitore:</b> '
                + data[i].type + '<br/>'
                + '<b>Numero RDP:</b> '
                + data[i].rdpNumber + '<br/>'
                + '<b>Preposto di riferimento:</b> '
                + data[i].preposto + '<br/>'
                + '<b>Descrizione del rifiuto:</b> '
                + data[i].description
                + '</div>',
                {direction: 'left'} )
            .addTo( map );
            //markerArray[i] = marker1;
            markerArray[i].on('dblclick', function(e){                  
                console.log("ID Marker Array: " + markerArray[k].options.id);
                var latitudeMarker = markerArray[k].getLatLng().lat;
                var longitudeMarker = markerArray[k].getLatLng().lng;
                '/EUREKA/json/map_container/json_update_position.php?&lat=' + latitudeMarker + '&lng=' + longitudeMarker + '&id=' + markerArray[k].options.id,
                    console.log("Posizione aggiornata")

The JSON 'json_map_container.php' file return date from a sql query. JSON'json_map_container.php'文件从SQL查询返回的日期。 I want to update the position of a marker in the map when i drag it in a new position at the doubleclick event, I think to call a JSON 'json_update_position.php' with new position and id of marker and The JSON execute a UPDATE query on my db but when I doubleclick on marker I have ever the last id generated. 我想在doubleclick事件中将标记拖动到新位置时更新标记在地图中的位置,我想使用新的标记位置和ID调用JSON'json_update_position.php',然后JSON执行UPDATE查询在我的数据库上,但是当我双击标记时,我已经生成了最后一个ID。 Can anyone help me? 谁能帮我?

Read about closures in JavaScript , and have a look at example 5 in this excellent answer that describes your problem : basically, k will always be the last value set when read in your callback. 阅读有关JavaScript中的闭包的信息 ,并查看这个很好的答案中的示例5,它描述了您的问题:基本上,在回调中读取k时, k始终是最后设置的值。

You could apply what's explained in this answer or get the reference to the marker in the event object passed to your callback by e.target : 您可以应用此答案中解释的内容,或获取e.target传递给回调的事件对象中标记的引用:

markerArray[i].on('dblclick', function(e){  
    var marker = e.target;

    console.log("ID Marker Array: " + marker.options.id);
    var latitudeMarker = marker.getLatLng().lat;
    var longitudeMarker = marker.getLatLng().lng;
    '/EUREKA/json/map_container/json_update_position.php?&lat=' + latitudeMarker + '&lng=' + longitudeMarker + '&id=' + marker.options.id,
        console.log("Posizione aggiornata")

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