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使用 Windows 身份验证在 Python 中使用 SQL Alchemy 连接到网络上的 MS SQL

[英]Connect to MS SQL on a network with SQL Alchemy in Python using Windows Authentication

I am trying to use pandas.read_sql_table to get data from MS SQL Server (the server is on a network).我正在尝试使用 pandas.read_sql_table 从 MS SQL Server 获取数据(服务器在网络上)。 I use Windows authentication to access the server.我使用 Windows 身份验证来访问服务器。 Pandas read_sql_table takes a SQL Alchemy connection as an argument for “connection.” Pandas read_sql_table 将 SQL Alchemy 连接作为“连接”的参数。 I am having a difficult time finding an example that combines:我很难找到一个结合了以下内容的示例:

  1. SQL Alchemy SQL 炼金术
  2. MS SQL Server微软 SQL 服务器
  3. DSN (the “preferred” specification according to SQL Alchemy) DSN(根据 SQL Alchemy 的“首选”规范)
  4. Windows authentication Windows 身份验证

I've consulted SQL Alchemy, which shows an example using SQL authentication, but not Windows authentication.我咨询了 SQL Alchemy,它显示了一个使用 SQL 身份验证的示例,但没有使用 Windows 身份验证。 http://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/latest/dialects/mssql.html#connecting-to-pyodbc Here are various options I have tried. http://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/latest/dialects/mssql.html#connecting-to-pyodbc以下是我尝试过的各种选项。 All return an error.都返回错误。

import pandas as pd
from sqlalchemy import create_engine
import pyodbc
# set some variables
dbname = 'mydbname'
schemaname = 'myschemaname'
servername = 'myservername'
tablename = ‘mytablename’

sqlcon = create_engine('mssql+pyodbc://@' + servername)
#sqlcon = create_engine('mssql+pyodbc://' + servername + '/' + dbname)
#sqlcon = create_engine('mssql+pyodbc://' + servername)
#sqlcon = create_engine('mssql://' + servername + '/' + dbname + '?trusted_connection=yes')
#sqlcon = create_engine('mssql+pyodbc://' + servername + '/' + dbname + '?trusted_connection=yes')
mydataframe = pd.read_sql_table(tablename,con=sqlcon,schema=schemaname)

The error I get is this:我得到的错误是这样的:

(pyodbc.InterfaceError) ('IM002', '[IM002] [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified (0) (SQLDriverConnect)') (Background on this error at: http://sqlalche.me/e/rvf5 ) (pyodbc.InterfaceError) ('IM002', '[IM002] [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] 未找到数据源名称且未指定默认驱动程序 (0) (SQLDriverConnect)')(此错误的背景: http:// /sqlalche.me/e/rvf5 )

What is especially perplexing is the comment about no default driver being specified.特别令人困惑的是关于没有指定默认驱动程序的评论。 None of the examples refer to specifying a default driver when I use this DSN format.当我使用此 DSN 格式时,没有一个示例涉及指定默认驱动程序。

I have consulted this example, which also fails for me: How do I connect to SQL Server via sqlalchemy using Windows Authentication?我已经咨询过这个例子,这对我来说也失败了: How do I connect to SQL Server via sqlalchemy using Windows Authentication?

I can connect fine with SSMS.我可以与 SSMS 正常连接。 I'm using python 3.6.我正在使用 python 3.6。

I found a solution to my question.我找到了我的问题的解决方案。 Posting here for others' reference.贴在这里供其他人参考。

This code worked.此代码有效。 I wasn't able to avoid specifying a driver explicitly, though.不过,我无法避免明确指定驱动程序。

sqlcon = create_engine('mssql+pyodbc://@' + servername + '/' + dbname + '?driver=ODBC+Driver+13+for+SQL+Server')

If you are confused with driver version you can use below code如果您对驱动程序版本感到困惑,可以使用以下代码

server=<servername> | <host:port> 

#below code is with authentication
engine = create_engine('mssql+pyodbc://'+username+':'+password+'@' + server + '/' + database + '?driver=SQL+Server')
query = '''select * from <table>'''
result = engine.execute(query)

#below code is without authentication
engine = create_engine('mssql+pyodbc://@' + server + '/' + database + '?driver=SQL+Server')
query = '''select * from <table>'''
result = engine.execute(query)


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