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[英]How do I select all fields/columns from a collection using monary?

I am using Monary 我正在使用Monary

I have a database in Mongo with a lot of rows and columns. 我在Mongo中有一个数据库,其中包含很多行和列。 Currently, the way I am using monary is as follows: 目前,我使用monary的方式如下:

client = Monary()
data = client.query("static_database",             # Database name
                     "properties",                 # Collection name 
                      {},                          # Query
                     ["Name","Address1","Address2"], # Field/col names
                     ["string:72"]*3)              # The types of each 
                                                   # field/col

The collection properties has a lot of field names and I want to take most if not all of those fields into data . 集合properties有很多字段名称,我想将大多数(如果不是全部)这些字段都放入data Typing more than 10 fields into a list seems like a pain. 在列表中输入10多个字段似乎很痛苦。

I also want to use different collections in the future, so a way of getting all column/field names would help a lot. 我也希望将来使用不同的集合,因此获取所有列/字段名称的方法会很有帮助。 I read through the docs and FAQs , yet haven't been able to find a solution. 我通读了文档和常见问题解答 ,但尚未找到解决方案。

I ended up using pyMongo to get all respective column names, using the code provided by this answer and mapReduce documentation . 我最终使用pyMongo来获得所有相应的列名,并使用了此答案和mapReduce 文档提供的代码。

The next problem was type . 下一个问题是type It was pretty annoying to try and find the type of each field (each field could have items of multiple types). 尝试查找每个字段的类型非常烦人(每个字段可以包含多种类型的项)。 I looked at this question . 我看着这个问题 But it seemed like a mess, so I ended up just taking a random entry from mongodb that hopefully contained all the fields. 但这似乎是一团糟,所以我最终只是从mongodb随机抽取了一个条目 ,希望其中包含所有字段。

There should be a better way of getting type names, but I did not implement that. 应该有一个更好的获取类型名称的方法,但是我没有实现它。 The final messy and bad implementation is as follows: 最终的混乱和糟糕的实现如下:

def getColsfromdb(supplier_name):
    client = MongoClient()
    db = client['supplier_static_database']
    map = Code("function(){   for (var key in this) {emit(key,null);} }") 
    reduce = Code("function(key, stuff) {return null;}")
    pT = getattr(db, supplier_name)
    mR = pT.map_reduce(map,reduce,supplier_name + "_keys")

    types_ = [type(v).__name__ for k,v in sorted(pT.find().limit(-1).skip(100).next().items())]

    cols4db = []
    for doc in mR.find():
    cols4db = sorted(cols4db)

    for i,t in enumerate(types_):
        if "unicode" in t:
            types_[i] = "string:50"
        if "ObjectId" in t:
            types_[i] = "id"
        if "list" in t or "NoneType" in t:
            types_[i] = "string:50"
        if "int" in t:
        if "float" in t:

        assert len(types_)==len(cols4db)
        tmpdiff = len(types_)-len(cols4db)
        if tmpdiff<0:
            for i in range(abs(tmpdiff)):
            del cols4db[-tmpdiff:]

    return cols4db,types_

Initially, I had the except generate a random number every time it failed, but decided to stick with "randomly chosen" 100. 最初,我让except每次失败时都会生成一个随机数,但决定坚持使用“随机选择” 100。

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