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[英]Mongo DB set not working

I'm trying to update a user object in my database using mongodb and mongoose. 我正在尝试使用mongodb和mongoose更新数据库中的用户对象。 Here's the schema: 这是模式:

const userSchema = new schema({
    username: String,
    password: String,
    firstName: String,
    lastName: String,
    age: Number,
    ticketsPurchased: [{name: String, date: Date, link: String}],
    admin: Boolean,
    billingAddress: String,
    cityResiding: String,
    stateResiding: String,
    creditCard: String,

Here's my code trying to update it: 这是我的代码尝试对其进行更新:

socket.on("changeUserInfo", function(data){
    console.log("CHANING USER INFO");

    User.update({username: data.username}, {
        $set: {
            firstName: data.firstname,
            lastName: data.lastName,
            billingAddress: data.billingAddress,
            creditCard: data.creditCard,
            stateResiding: data.stateResiding

    User.find({username: data.username}, function(err, user){
        if (err) console.log(err);
        else {
            console.log("USER = " + user);

The data is correct, it outputs correctly but when I output user in the User.find it remains un-updated. 数据是正确的,它可以正确输出,但是当我在User.find中输出user时,它仍然未更新。

Database operations are asynchronous - you need to provide a callback function or wait a Promise to be resolved in order to be sure about the order of operations. 数据库操作是异步的-您需要提供一个回调函数或等待Promise被解决才能确定操作的顺序。

In your case the find() method will most likely return the data before the update() operation has finished. 在您的情况下, find()方法很可能在update()操作完成之前返回数据。

Here is how to acheive what you want - display the updated user: 这是实现所需内容的方法-显示更新的用户:

  { username: data.username },
    $set: {
      firstName: data.firstname,
      lastName: data.lastName,
      billingAddress: data.billingAddress,
      creditCard: data.creditCard,
      stateResiding: data.stateResiding
  .then(() => {
    // you can now be sure that the update has already completed
    User.find({ username: data.username }, function(err, user) {
      if (err) console.log(err);
      else {
        console.log("USER = " + user);
  .catch(error => {
    // do not forget to handle errors

Try this: Use the '{new:true}' of the 'findOneAndUpdate()'. 尝试以下操作:使用'findOneAndUpdate()'的'{new:true}'。 This will send you the data after changes have been made. 进行更改后,这将向您发送数据。 Hope this helps! 希望这可以帮助!

     firstName: data.firstname,
      lastName: data.lastName,
      billingAddress: data.billingAddress,
      creditCard: data.creditCard,
      stateResiding: data.stateResiding
    }, {new:true},
    //do something here

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