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从另一个类Xamarin c#填充ListView

[英]populate ListView from Another class Xamarin c#

I'm trying to populate a ListView from Another class which run on another thread but I failed to do that. 我试图从另一个在另一个线程上运行的类填充ListView,但是我没有做到这一点。 Here is the main Activity : 这是主要活动:

public ListView myList;
List < string>contacts = new List< string>();

    protected override void OnCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)
        myList = FindViewById<ListView>(Resource.Id.contactsList);
        myList.ItemLongClick += MyList_ItemLongClick;

    public void insertContact(string ContactInfo)
        ArrayAdapter<string> myArray = new ArrayAdapter<string>(Application.Context, Android.Resource.Layout.SimpleListItem1, contacts);
        list.Adapter = null;
        list.Adapter = myArray;

    public void startAsync(){
        Contacts con = new Contacts();
        Thread thread = new Thread(()=> con.Start());

I'm firing a method from another class to grap contacts. 我正在从另一个类中激发一种方法来抓取联系人。 There it just get some info and should send it to main Activity The other class doing like 在那里,它只是获取一些信息,并应将其发送给main Activity。

MainAct main = new MainAct();
main.insertContact("new Contact");

but It did nothing. 但是它什么也没做。 I tried to make a method to get the listView from the main activity (like mentioned in some thread) and pass it as second paramter to add contact like : 我试图做一个从主要活动中获取listView的方法(就像在某个线程中提到的那样),并将其作为第二个参数传递,以添加联系人,例如:

public ListView getListView()
            ListView myList = FindViewById<ListView>(Resource.Id.contactsList);
            return myList;

and after than calling this line which has the ListView : 然后调用此具有ListView的行:

main.insertContact("new Contact", main.getListView());

but I got an exception : 但我有一个例外:

Java.Lang.NullPointerException: < Timeout exceeded getting exception details>

I tried from the other class to run the line like : 我从另一堂课尝试运行像这样的行:

main.RunOnUIThread(()=>     main.insertContact("new Contact", main.getListView()));

but got the same exception ! 但是有同样的例外! What did I missed ? 我错过了什么?

NOTE: If I put both classes in one class ( I mean all the code in one class ) It works without a problem with RunOnUIThread(()=> ); 注意:如果我将两个类都放在一个类中(我的意思是所有代码都在一个类中),那么RunOnUIThread(()=>)不会出现问题; . but When I move the method to another class, I got the exception. 但是当我将方法移到另一个类时,出现了异常。

EDIT 1: When I catch the exception I got nullpointer 编辑1:当我捕获异常时,我得到了nullpointer

Exception of type 'Java.Lang.NullPointerException' was thrown.

1) If Contacts is your another class, I suggest you rename it as MyContacts , because there is a Contacts class,it will confused us. 1)如果Contacts是您的另一个类,建议您将其重命名为MyContacts ,因为有一个Contacts类,它将使我们感到困惑。

2) You don't need to new MainAct , just pass the context to your another class. 2)您不需要新的MainAct ,只需将上下文传递给另一个类。

I have tried to reproduce your question, and I add a comment for these codes: 我试图重现您的问题,并为这些代码添加了注释:

Here is your MyContacts class: 这是您的MyContacts类:

   public class MyContacts
        MainActivity mContext;
        public MyContacts(MainActivity context) {
            this.mContext = context;

        public void Start() {
            mContext.insertContact("new Contact");

            mContext.insertContact("new Contact1");

            mContext.insertContact("new Contact2");

You MainActivity : MainActivity

public class MainActivity : Activity
    public ListView myList;
    List<string> contacts = new List<string>();
    protected override void OnCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)

        // Set our view from the "main" layout resource
        myList = FindViewById<ListView>(Resource.Id.contactsList);

        //we usually init the data in OnCreate method.

    public void insertContact(string ContactInfo)
        //this is redundant, because you have Instantiated the myList in the OnCreate method.
        //myList = FindViewById<ListView>(Resource.Id.contactsList);

        //You can use this instead of Application.Context.
        ArrayAdapter<string> myArray = new ArrayAdapter<string>(this, Android.Resource.Layout.SimpleListItem1, contacts);

        myList.Adapter = myArray;

        //from your question, I can't find any information about the list property.
        //list.Adapter = null;
        //list.Adapter = myArray;


    //From your question, I can't find where have you call this method, I will call it in the OnCreate method
    public void startAsync()
        MyContacts con = new MyContacts(this);
        Thread thread = new Thread(() => con.Start());

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