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在 Flutter 中创建一个带有 border-radius 的圆角按钮/按钮

[英]Create a rounded button / button with border-radius in Flutter

I'm currently developing an Android app in Flutter. How can I add a rounded button?我目前正在Flutter开发一个Android的app,如何添加一个圆角按钮?

1. Solution Summary一、解决方案总结

FlatButton and RaisedButton are deprecated.不推荐使用FlatButtonRaisedButton

So, you can use shape which placed in the style property, for TextButton and ElevatedButton .因此,您可以使用放置在style属性中的shape ,用于TextButtonElevatedButton

There are some changes since Flutter 2.0:自 Flutter 2.0 以来有一些变化:

2. Rounded Button 2. 圆形按钮

Inside the style property exists the shape property:style属性中存在shape属性:

style: ButtonStyle(
  shape: MaterialStateProperty.all<RoundedRectangleBorder>(
      borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(18.0),
      side: BorderSide(color: Colors.red)


Square Button方形按钮

For a square button you can use ElevatedButton or otherwise add:对于方形按钮,您可以使用ElevatedButton或以其他方式添加:

style: ButtonStyle(
  shape: MaterialStateProperty.all<RoundedRectangleBorder>(
      borderRadius: BorderRadius.zero,
      side: BorderSide(color: Colors.red)


Complete Example完整示例

  mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.end,
  children: [
      child: Text(
        "Add to cart".toUpperCase(),
        style: TextStyle(fontSize: 14)
      style: ButtonStyle(
        padding: MaterialStateProperty.all<EdgeInsets>(EdgeInsets.all(15)),
        foregroundColor: MaterialStateProperty.all<Color>(Colors.red),
        shape: MaterialStateProperty.all<RoundedRectangleBorder>(
            borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(18.0),
            side: BorderSide(color: Colors.red)
      onPressed: () => null
    SizedBox(width: 10),
      child: Text(
        "Buy now".toUpperCase(),
        style: TextStyle(fontSize: 14)
      style: ButtonStyle(
        foregroundColor: MaterialStateProperty.all<Color>(Colors.white),
        backgroundColor: MaterialStateProperty.all<Color>(Colors.red),
        shape: MaterialStateProperty.all<RoundedRectangleBorder>(
            borderRadius: BorderRadius.zero,
            side: BorderSide(color: Colors.red)
      onPressed: () => null

You can use the RaisedButton Widget.您可以使用 RaisedButton 小部件。 The raised button widget has a shape property which you can use as shown in the below snippet.凸起的按钮小部件有一个 shape 属性,您可以使用它,如下面的代码片段所示。

          style: ButtonStyle(
              shape: MaterialStateProperty.all<RoundedRectangleBorder>(
                      borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(18.0),
                      side: BorderSide(color: Colors.teal, width: 2.0)))),
          child: Text('Submit'),
          onPressed: () {},


Since, the left sides buttons are now deprecated, use the right sided ones.由于左侧按钮现已弃用,请使用右侧按钮。

Deprecated    -->   Recommended

RaisedButton  -->   ElevatedButton
OutlineButton -->   OutlinedButton
FlatButton    -->   TextButton

  • ElevatedButton

  1. Using StadiumBorder使用StadiumBorder


     ElevatedButton( onPressed: () {}, child: Text('Button'), style: ElevatedButton.styleFrom(shape: StadiumBorder()), )
  2. Using RoundedRectangleBorder使用RoundedRectangleBorder


     ElevatedButton( onPressed: () {}, child: Text('Button'), style: ElevatedButton.styleFrom( shape: RoundedRectangleBorder( borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(12), // <-- Radius ), ), )
  3. Using CircleBorder使用CircleBorder


     ElevatedButton( onPressed: () {}, child: Text('Button'), style: ElevatedButton.styleFrom( shape: CircleBorder(), padding: EdgeInsets.all(24), ), )
  4. Using BeveledRectangleBorder使用BeveledRectangleBorder


     ElevatedButton( onPressed: () {}, child: Text('Button'), style: ElevatedButton.styleFrom( shape: BeveledRectangleBorder( borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(12) ), ), )


  1. Using StadiumBorder使用StadiumBorder


     OutlinedButton( onPressed: () {}, child: Text('Button'), style: OutlinedButton.styleFrom( shape: StadiumBorder(), ), )
  2. Using RoundedRectangleBorder使用RoundedRectangleBorder


     OutlinedButton( onPressed: () {}, child: Text('Button'), style: OutlinedButton.styleFrom( shape: BeveledRectangleBorder( borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(12), ), ), )
  3. Using CircleBorder :使用CircleBorder


     OutlinedButton( onPressed: () {}, child: Text('Button'), style: OutlinedButton.styleFrom( shape: CircleBorder(), padding: EdgeInsets.all(24), ), )
  4. Using BeveledRectangleBorder使用BeveledRectangleBorder


     OutlinedButton( onPressed: () {}, child: Text('Button'), style: OutlinedButton.styleFrom( shape: BeveledRectangleBorder( borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(12), ), ), )


TextButton also works similar to ElevatedButton and OutlinedButton , however you can only see the shapes when the button is pressed. TextButton工作TextButton也类似于ElevatedButtonOutlinedButton ,但是您只能在按下按钮时看到形状。

Since September 2020, Flutter 1.22.0:自 2020 年 9 月以来,Flutter 1.22.0:

Both "RaisedButton" and "FlatButton" are deprecated. “RaisedButton”和“FlatButton”均已弃用。

The most up-to-date solution is to use new buttons:最新的解决方案是使用新按钮:

1. ElevatedButton : 1. ElevatedButton




  child: Text("ElevatedButton"),
  onPressed: () => print("it's pressed"),
  style: ElevatedButton.styleFrom(
    primary: Colors.red,
    onPrimary: Colors.white,
    shape: RoundedRectangleBorder(
      borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(32.0),

Don't forget, there's also an .icon constructor to add an icon easily:不要忘记,还有一个.icon构造函数可以轻松添加图标:

  icon: Icon(Icons.thumb_up),
  label: Text("Like"),
  onPressed: () => print("it's pressed"),
  style: ElevatedButton.styleFrom(
    shape: RoundedRectangleBorder(
      borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(32.0),

2. OutlinedButton : 2. OutlinedButton



  icon: Icon(Icons.star_outline),
  label: Text("OutlinedButton"),
  onPressed: () => print("it's pressed"),
  style: ElevatedButton.styleFrom(
    side: BorderSide(width: 2.0, color: Colors.blue),
    shape: RoundedRectangleBorder(
      borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(32.0),

3. TextButton : 3. TextButton

You can always use TextButton if you don't want an outline or color fill.如果您不想要轮廓或颜色填充,您可以随时使用TextButton

You can simply use RaisedButton您可以简单地使用RaisedButton

  padding: EdgeInsets.only(left: 150.0, right: 0.0),
  child: RaisedButton(
    textColor: Colors.white,
    color: Colors.black,
    child: Text("Search"),
    onPressed: () {},
    shape: new RoundedRectangleBorder(
      borderRadius: new BorderRadius.circular(30.0),



More info: RSCoder更多信息: RSCoder

You can simply use RaisedButton or you can use InkWell to get a custom button and also properties like onDoubleTap , onLongPress , etc. :您可以简单地使用RaisedButton或者您可以使用InkWell来获取自定义按钮以及onDoubleTaponLongPress属性:

new InkWell(
  onTap: () => print('hello'),
  child: new Container(
    //width: 100.0,
    height: 50.0,
    decoration: new BoxDecoration(
      color: Colors.blueAccent,
      border: new Border.all(color: Colors.white, width: 2.0),
      borderRadius: new BorderRadius.circular(10.0),
    child: new Center(child: new Text('Click Me', style: new TextStyle(fontSize: 18.0, color: Colors.white),),),


If you want to use the splashColor and highlightColor properties in the InkWell widget, use the Material widget as the parent of the InkWell widget instead of decorating the container (deleting the decoration property).如果要在InkWell小部件中使用splashColorhighlightColor属性,请使用Material小部件作为InkWell小部件的父级,而不是装饰容器(删除装饰属性)。 Read about why here . 在这里阅读原因

You can use the below code to make a rounded button with a gradient color.您可以使用以下代码制作带有渐变颜色的圆形按钮。

          width: 130.0,
          height: 43.0,
          decoration: BoxDecoration(
            borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(30.0),
            gradient: LinearGradient(
              // Where the linear gradient begins and ends
              begin: Alignment.topRight,
              end: Alignment.bottomLeft,
              // Add one stop for each color. Stops should increase from 0 to 1
              stops: [0.1, 0.9],
              colors: [
                // Colors are easy thanks to Flutter's Colors class.
          child: FlatButton(
            child: Text(
              'Sign In',
              style: TextStyle(
                fontSize: 16.0,
                fontFamily: 'Righteous',
                fontWeight: FontWeight.w600,
            textColor: Colors.white,
            color: Colors.transparent,
                RoundedRectangleBorder(borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(30.0)),
            onPressed: () {


To use any shape in your button , make sure you perform all the code inside the Button widget:要在button 中使用任何形状,请确保执行Button小部件中的所有代码:

 **shape: RoundedRectangleBorder(
        borderRadius: new BorderRadius.circular(18.0),
        side: BorderSide(color: Colors.red) ),**

If you want make it is square , use BorderRadius.circular(0.0) It automatically makes it into a square .如果你想让它变成正方形,使用BorderRadius.circular(0.0)它会自动使它变成正方形

The button is like this:按钮是这样的:


Here is the all source code for the give UI screen:这是给定 UI 屏幕的所有源代码:

    backgroundColor: Color(0xFF8E44AD),
    body: new Center(
      child: Column(
        children: <Widget>[
            margin: EdgeInsets.fromLTRB(90, 10, 20, 0),
            padding: new EdgeInsets.only(top: 92.0),
            child: Text(
              "Currency Converter",
              style: TextStyle(
                fontSize: 48,
                fontWeight: FontWeight.bold,
                color: Colors.white,
            margin: EdgeInsets.only(),
            padding: EdgeInsets.all(25),
            child: TextFormField(
              decoration: new InputDecoration(
                filled: true,
                fillColor: Colors.white,
                labelText: "Amount",
                border: OutlineInputBorder(
                  borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(10),
            padding: EdgeInsets.all(25),
            child: TextFormField(
              decoration: new InputDecoration(
                filled: true,
                fillColor: Colors.white,
                labelText: "From",
                border: OutlineInputBorder(
                  borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(10),
            padding: EdgeInsets.all(25),
            child: TextFormField(
              decoration: new InputDecoration(
                  filled: true,
                  fillColor: Colors.white,
                  labelText: "To",
                  border: OutlineInputBorder(
                    borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(10),
          SizedBox(height: 20.0),
            height: 58,
            minWidth: 340,
            shape: RoundedRectangleBorder(
                borderRadius: new BorderRadius.circular(12)),
            onPressed: () {},
            child: Text(
              style: TextStyle(
                fontSize: 24,
                color: Colors.black,
            color: Color(0xFFF7CA18),

You can use this code for a transparent rounded button by passing a transparent color to the color property inside BoxDecoration .通过将透明颜色传递给BoxDecoration的 color 属性,您可以将此代码用于透明圆形按钮。 eg.例如。 color: Colors.transparent . color: Colors.transparent Also, take note that this button makes use of only the Container and GestureDetector widgets.另外,请注意此按钮仅使用ContainerGestureDetector小部件。

    height: 50.0,
    child: GestureDetector(
        onTap: () {},
        child: Container(
            decoration: BoxDecoration(
                border: Border.all(
                    color: Color(0xFFF05A22),
                    style: BorderStyle.solid,
                    width: 1.0,
                color: Colors.transparent,
                borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(30.0),
            child: Row(
                mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.center,
                children: <Widget>[
                        child: Text(
                            style: TextStyle(
                                color: Color(0xFFF05A22),
                                fontFamily: 'Montserrat',
                                fontSize: 16,
                                fontWeight: FontWeight.w600,
                                letterSpacing: 1,


You can also achieve it by using the StadiumBorder shape:您还可以通过使用StadiumBorder形状来实现它:

  onPressed: () {},
  child: Text('StadiumBorder'),
  shape: StadiumBorder(),
  color: Colors.pink,
  textColor: Colors.white,


you can use this code:您可以使用此代码:

      onPressed: () {},
      style: ElevatedButton.styleFrom(
        shape: RoundedRectangleBorder(
            borderRadius: BorderRadius.all(Radius.circular(borderRadius))),
      child: Text("ok"),

If anybody is looking for complete circular button then I achieved it this way:如果有人正在寻找完整的圆形按钮,那么我是这样实现的:

            child: SizedBox.fromSize(
              size: Size(80, 80), // Button width and height
              child: ClipOval(
                child: Material(
                  color: Colors.pink[300], // Button color
                  child: InkWell(
                    splashColor: Colors.yellow, // splash color
                    onTap: () {}, // Button pressed
                    child: Column(
                      mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.center,
                      children: <Widget>[
                        Icon(Icons.linked_camera), // Icon
                        Text("Picture"), // Text

Different ways to create a rounded button are as follows:创建圆形按钮的不同方法如下:

FlatButton Button with Shape RoundedRectangleBorder FlatButton 按钮,形状为 RoundedRectangleBorder

    minWidth: 260,
    height: 60,
    shape: RoundedRectangleBorder(
        borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(18.0),
        side: BorderSide(color: Colors.red)),
    color: Colors.white,
    textColor: Colors.red,
    padding: EdgeInsets.all(8.0),
    onPressed: () {},
    child: Text(
        "Add to Cart".toUpperCase(),
        style: TextStyle(
            fontSize: 14.0,

RaisedButton Button with Shape RoundedRectangleBorder形状为 RoundedRectangleBorder 的 RaisedButton 按钮

    EdgeInsets.only(left: 100, right: 100, top: 20, bottom: 20),
    shape: RoundedRectangleBorder(
        borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(28.0),
        side: BorderSide(color: Colors.red)),
    onPressed: () {},
    color: Colors.red,
    textColor: Colors.white,
    child: Text("Buy now".toUpperCase(),
    style: TextStyle(fontSize: 14)),

RaisedButton Button with Shape StadiumBorder()带有形状 StadiumBorder() 的 RaisedButton 按钮

    EdgeInsets.only(left: 100, right: 100, top: 20, bottom: 20),
    shape: StadiumBorder(),
    onPressed: () {},
    child: Text("Button"),

RaisedButton Button with ClipRRect带有 ClipRRect 的 RaisedButton 按钮

    borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(40),
    child: RaisedButton(
        padding: EdgeInsets.only(
            left: 100, right: 100, top: 20, bottom: 20),
        onPressed: () {},
        child: Text("Button"),

RaisedButton Button with ClipOval带 ClipOval 的 RaisedButton 按钮

    child: RaisedButton(
        onPressed: () {},
        child: Text("Button"),

RaisedButton Button with ButtonTheme带有 ButtonTheme 的 RaisedButton 按钮

    shape: RoundedRectangleBorder(
    borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(20)),
    child: RaisedButton(
        onPressed: () {},
        child: Text("Button"),

A practical demonstration of a round button can be found in the below dartpad link:圆形按钮的实际演示可以在下面的 dartpad 链接中找到:

Rounded Button Demo Examples on DartPad DartPad 上的圆形按钮演示示例


After the Null safety, use ElevatedButton not RaisedButton because RaisedButton is depreciated as the docs says.在 Null 安全之后,使用 ElevatedButton 而不是 RaisedButton 因为 RaisedButton 如文档所述已贬值。

             child: ElevatedButton(
                onPressed: () {},
                child: const Text('Add item to the list'),
                style: ButtonStyle(
                  shape: MaterialStateProperty.all<RoundedRectangleBorder>(
                      borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(18.0),


You should probably familiarize yourself with this page of the docs in particular: rounding corners . 您可能应该熟悉这个文档的页面: 圆角

The docs show you how to change the styling of a component and the equivalent styling in css, if you are familiar with that already. 如果您已经熟悉,那么文档将向您展示如何更改组件的样式以及css中的等效样式。

          child: Text("Button"),
          onPressed: (){},
          shape: RoundedRectangleBorder(borderRadius: new BorderRadius.circular(30.0),
          side: BorderSide(color: Colors.red))

You can also use ButtonTheme() :您还可以使用ButtonTheme()


Here is example code -这是示例代码 -

    minWidth: 200.0,
    shape: RoundedRectangleBorder(
        borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(18.0),
        side: BorderSide(color: Colors.green)),
    child: RaisedButton(
        elevation: 5.0,
        hoverColor: Colors.green,
        color: Colors.amber,
        child: Text(
            "Place Order",
            style: TextStyle(
                     color: Colors.white, fontWeight: FontWeight.bold),
        onPressed: () {},

One of the simplest ways to create a rounded button is to use a FlatButton and then specify the roundness by setting its shape property.创建圆形按钮的最简单方法之一是使用FlatButton ,然后通过设置其shape属性来指定圆度。 Follow the code below按照下面的代码

 FlatButton( padding: EdgeInsets.all(30.0), color: Colors.black, shape: RoundedRectangleBorder( borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(20.0)), child: child: Text( "Button", style: TextStyle(color: Colors.white), ), onPressed: () { print('Button pressed'); }, ),

Note: In order to change the roundness adjust the value inside BorderRadius.circular()注意:为了改变圆度调整BorderRadius.circular()的值

New Elevate Button新的提升按钮


customElevatedButton({radius, color}) => ElevatedButton.styleFrom(
    shape: RoundedRectangleBorder(
        borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(radius == null ? 100 : radius),
    primary: color,


Widget saveIcon() => iconsStyle1(

// Common icon style

iconsStyle1(icon) => Icon(
    color: white,
    size: 15,

Button use按钮使用

    icon: saveIcon(),
        customElevatedButton(color: Colors.green[700]),
    label: Text('Save',
        style: TextStyle(color: Colors.white)),
    onPressed: () {

Here is the code for your problem.这是您的问题的代码。 You just have to take a simple container with a border radius in boxdecoration.你只需要在 boxdecoration 中使用一个带有边界半径的简单容器。

new Container(
    alignment: Alignment.center,
    decoration: BoxDecoration(
        borderRadius: BorderRadius.all(Radius.circular(15.0)),
        color: Colors.blue,

    child: Row(
        mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.center,
        children: <Widget>[
                padding: const EdgeInsets.all(10.0),
                child: new Text(
                    style: new TextStyle(
                        fontWeight: FontWeight.w500,
                        color: Colors.white,
                        fontSize: 15.0,

Now we have an Icon button to achieve a rounded button click and overlay.现在我们有一个图标按钮来实现圆角按钮点击和覆盖。 However, the background color is not yet available, but the same can be achieved by the Circle avatar widget as follows:但是,背景颜色尚不可用,但同样可以通过 Circle avatar 小部件实现,如下所示:

    backgroundColor: const Color(0xffF4F3FA),
    child: IconButton(
        onPressed: () => FlushbarHelper.createInformation(
                             message: 'Work in progress...')
        icon: Icon(Icons.more_vert),

Here is another solution:这是另一个解决方案:

    height: MediaQuery.of(context).size.height * 0.10,
    width: MediaQuery.of(context).size.width,
    child: ButtonTheme(
        minWidth: MediaQuery.of(context).size.width * 0.75,
        child: RaisedButton(
            shape: RoundedRectangleBorder(
                borderRadius: new BorderRadius.circular(25.0),
                side: BorderSide(color: Colors.blue)),
                onPressed: () async {
                    // Do something
                color: Colors.red[900],
                textColor: Colors.white,
                child: Padding(
                    padding: const EdgeInsets.all(8.0),
                    child: Text("Button Text,
                    style: TextStyle(fontSize: 24)),

You can create a custom view and put it inside a GestureDetector for it to behave like a button.您可以创建一个自定义视图并将其放入 GestureDetector 中,使其表现得像一个按钮。 The benefit is that you can provide endless types of custom decoration (including making it round with specified radius) to the container.好处是您可以为容器提供无限类型的自定义装饰(包括使其具有指定半径的圆形)。

        width: yourWidth,
        height: yourHeight ,
        decoration: BoxDecoration(
            borderRadius: radius,
            gradient: yourGradient,
            border: yourBorder),
        child: FlatButton(
          onPressed: {} (),
          shape: RoundedRectangleBorder(borderRadius: radius),

and use the same radius.并使用相同的半径。

Another cool solution that works in 2021:另一个适用于 2021 年的酷炫解决方案:

    child: Padding(
        padding: const EdgeInsets.all(5.0),
        child: Text('Follow Us'.toUpperCase()),
    style: TextButton.styleFrom(
        backgroundColor: Colors.amber,
        shadowColor: Colors.red,
        elevation: 2,
        textStyle: TextStyle(fontSize: 18, fontWeight: FontWeight.bold),
        shape: RoundedRectangleBorder(
            borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(5.0),)
    onPressed: () {
addButton() {
return Row(
  mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.center,
  children: <Widget>[
      padding: const EdgeInsets.symmetric(vertical: 10.0),
      child: SizedBox(
        height: 45,
        width: 200,
        child: ElevatedButton.icon(
          onPressed: () async {},
          style: ButtonStyle(
            shape: MaterialStateProperty.all<RoundedRectangleBorder>(
                    borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(30.0),
            elevation: MaterialStateProperty.all(1),
            backgroundColor: MaterialStateProperty.all(Colors.blue),
          icon: Icon(Icons.add, size: 18),
          label: Text("Add question"),

} }

you can use this style for your elevatedButton to make it circular您可以将这种样式用于提升的按钮以使其成为圆形

style: ButtonStyle(
              elevation: MaterialStateProperty.all(8.0),
              textStyle: MaterialStateProperty.all(
                  fontSize: 16.0,
              shape: MaterialStateProperty.all<CircleBorder>(
              shadowColor: MaterialStateProperty.all(Constants().orangeColor),

With Flutter version 2, try this用Flutter版本2,试试这个

    style: ButtonStyle(
        shape: MaterialStateProperty.all<OutlinedBorder>(
                    BorderSide(width: 1.0, color: Colors.red,
        backgroundColor: MaterialStateProperty.all<Color>(Colors.red),
        foregroundColor: MaterialStateProperty.all<Color>(Colors.green),
        padding: MaterialStateProperty.all<EdgeInsetsGeometry>(
            const EdgeInsets.symmetric(
                horizontal: 15.0,
                vertical: 10.0),),),
    onPressed: (){},
    child: Text('Button'),)

Container with round border color:带有圆形边框颜色的容器:

  decoration: BoxDecoration(
    borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(10),
    border: Border.all(color: Colors.red),
  child: Text("Some Text"),

You can always use a material button if you are using the Material App as your main Widget.如果您使用 Material App 作为您的主要 Widget,您始终可以使用一个材质按钮。

  padding: EdgeInsets.symmetric(vertical: 16.0),
  child: Material(
    borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(30.0),//Set this up for rounding corners.
    shadowColor: Colors.lightBlueAccent.shade100,
    child: MaterialButton(
      minWidth: 200.0,
      height: 42.0,
      onPressed: (){//Actions here//},
      color: Colors.lightBlueAccent,
      child: Text('Log in', style: TextStyle(color: Colors.white),),

In Flutter, the Container() widget is used for styling your widget.在 Flutter 中, Container()小部件用于设置小部件的样式。 Using the Container() widget, you can set a border or rounded corner of any widget.使用Container()小部件,您可以设置任何小部件的边框或圆角。

If you want to set any type of styling and set the decoration, put that widget into the Container() widget.如果您想设置任何类型的样式并设置装饰,请将该小部件放入Container()小部件中。 That provides many properties to the decoration.这为装饰提供了许多属性。

  width: 100,
  padding: EdgeInsets.all(10),
  alignment: Alignment.center,
  decoration: BoxDecoration(
          color: Colors.blueAccent,
          borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(30)), // Make rounded corner
  child: Text("Click"),

Wrap a TextButton in a Container widget like the below code snippet:将 TextButton 包装在 Container 小部件中,如下面的代码片段:

  decoration: BoxDecoration(
    borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(5),
    border: Border.all(color: Colors.black),
  child: TextButton(
    onPressed: () {
      // To do
    child: Text("Go to Change Language Screen "),


Use TextButton instead.请改用TextButton

Buttons like the FlatButton, RaisedButton and OutlineButton has been said to be deprecated since October 2020. This is one of the Flutter development team's effort to simplify and make the Flutter API consistent, you can customize its style by using style property.据说 FlatButton、RaisedButton 和 OutlineButton 等按钮自 2020 年 10 月起已被弃用。 这是 Flutter 开发团队为简化 Flutter API 并使之保持一致所做的努力之一,您可以使用 style 属性自定义其样式。

        child: Padding(
          padding: const EdgeInsets.only(left: 10.0, right: 10.0),
          child: Text('Text here',
              style: TextStyle(
                  color: Colors.teal,
                  fontSize: 14,
                  fontWeight: FontWeight.w500)),
        style: TextButton.styleFrom(
          primary: Colors.teal,
          onSurface: Colors.yellow,
          side: BorderSide(color: Colors.teal, width: 2),
          shape: const RoundedRectangleBorder(
              borderRadius: BorderRadius.all(Radius.circular(25))),
        onPressed: () {

If you want to Use MaterialButton then,如果你想使用MaterialButton那么,

You can add RoundedRectangleBorder Given in Shape Like this,您可以像这样在Shape添加RoundedRectangleBorder

  onPressed: () {},
  minWidth: MediaQuery.of(context).size.width * 0.4,
  height: 34,
  color: colorWhite,
  highlightColor: colorSplash,
  splashColor: colorSplash,
  visualDensity: VisualDensity.compact,
  shape: RoundedRectangleBorder(
    borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(4),
    side: BorderSide(
      color: colorGrey,
      width: 0.6,
  child: Text("CANCEL"),

There is another way to do this-Just use FloatingActionButton for Proper Rounded Button.还有另一种方法可以做到这一点 - 只需将 FloatingActionButton 用于正确的圆形按钮。

      appBar: AppBar(
        title: const Text('Floating Action Button'),
      body: const Center(child: Text('Press the button below!')),
      floatingActionButton: FloatingActionButton(
        onPressed: () {
          // Add your onPressed code here!
        backgroundColor: Colors.green,
        child: const Icon(Icons.navigation),

Try this:尝试这个:

  height: 40.0,
  child: MaterialButton(
    child: Text("Button"),
    color: Colors.blue,
    disabledColor: Colors.blue,
    shape: RoundedRectangleBorder(
      borderRadius: BorderRadius.all(
        Radius.circular(10.0), // Change your border radius here
    onPressed: () {},

RawMaterialButton is better suited I think.我认为 RawMaterialButton 更适合。

  onPressed: () {},
  elevation: 2.0,
  fillColor: Colors.white,
  child: Icon(
    size: 35.0,
  padding: EdgeInsets.all(15.0),
  shape: CircleBorder(),

In the new update flutter 3.0 flutter uses Material 3 guidelines.在新更新flutter 3.0 flutter 中使用Material 3指南。

According to which the default border of buttons are rounded .根据它,按钮的默认边框是圆形的

Default Button

          onPressed: () {}, child: const Text("Default Button ")),


Button with Border Radius Zero

          style: ElevatedButton.styleFrom(
              shape: const RoundedRectangleBorder(
                  borderRadius: BorderRadius.zero)),
          onPressed: () {},
          child: const Text("Border Radius Zero ")),


Button with custom border radius

          style: ElevatedButton.styleFrom(
              shape: RoundedRectangleBorder(
                  borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(50))),
          onPressed: () {},
          child: const Text("Border Radius Custom ")),


Note: You can use the same logic for FilledButton , TextButton and the like.注意:您可以对FilledButtonTextButton等使用相同的逻辑。

Refer https://m3.material.io/components/all-buttons for button style.按钮样式参考https://m3.material.io/components/all-buttons

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