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[英]NSIS - Use offset with combination of !insertmacro

I was forced to use labels in my installer like this: 我被迫在安装程序中使用标签,如下所示:

  IfFileExists "$INSTDIR\XX\*.*" XX_Found 0
      !insertmacro UnselectSection ${Section_XX}

  IfFileExists "$INSTDIR\YY\*.*" YY_Found 0
      !insertmacro UnselectSection ${Section_YY}

because these does not work: 因为这些不起作用:

  IfFileExists "$INSTDIR\XX\*.*" +2 0
      !insertmacro UnselectSection ${Section_XX}

  IfFileExists "$INSTDIR\YY\*.*" +2 0
      !insertmacro UnselectSection ${Section_YY}

Any proposal why? 有什么建议吗? I think its because of !insertmacro statement but i could not find any information or workaround on the internet. 我认为这是因为!insertmacro语句引起的,但我在互联网上找不到任何信息或解决方法。

You cannot use relative jumps on macros because a macro can contain more than one instruction. 您不能在宏上使用相对跳转,因为一个宏可以包含多个指令。 !insertmacro basically pastes the content of the !macro into your code during the first compiler phase. !insertmacro基本上在第一个编译器阶段将!macro的内容粘贴到您的代码中。

I prefer using the LogicLib: 我更喜欢使用LogicLib:

!include LogicLib.nsh
${If} ${FileExists} "$InstDir\file.ext"
  !insertmacro ...

You can also use labels to jump over !insertmacro . 您也可以使用标签跳过!insertmacro

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