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[英]Perl script - tables created in real time in terminal output

My script prints data on separate lines in terminal output, it looks like this: 我的脚本在终端输出中的不同行上打印数据,如下所示:

Name: Paul Surname: Doe Age:34
Name: Paulo Surname: Doeson Age:28 
Name: Paulinho Surname: Docsone Age:5
Name: Paulmen Surname: Doee Age:12
Name: Paulchen Surname: Dooe Age:31

And I would like all data to be divided into columns and displayed equally in bars, as below: 我希望将所有数据分为几列,并以条形显示,如下所示:

Name: Paul     Surname: Doe     Age:34
Name: Paulo    Surname: Doeson  Age:28
Name: Paulinho Surname: Docsone Age:5 
Name: Paulmen  Surname: Doee    Age:12 
Name: Paulchen Surname: Dooe    Age:31 

I note that the output can not be buffered or stored. 我注意到输出不能被缓冲或存储。 I would like to achieve this in real time while running the script. 我想在运行脚本时实时实现这一目标。 Are there any tricks to achieve this? 有什么技巧可以做到这一点? Something like specifying the width of a cell in an HTML table? 例如在HTML表格中指定单元格的宽度?

Really EXAMPLE code: 真正的示例代码:

@arr = q(Name: Paul Surname: Doe Age:34, Name: Paulo Surname: Doeson Age:28, Name: Paulinho Surname: Docsone Age:5, Name: Paulmen Surname: Doee Age:12, Name: Paulchen Surname: Dooe Age:31);

foreach (@arr) {
  # here should be our trick to creating columns
  print $_ # should be print element in columns (without buffering). print now, not after loop end. 

First thing that comes into my mind are Perl formats . 我首先想到的是Perl格式 It's built-in and give's you a whole bunch of means for formatting output. 它是内置的,为您提供了一整套格式化输出的方法。 Have a look at it. 看看它。

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