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Jenkins Pipeline和SonarQube设置

[英]Jenkins Pipeline and SonarQube setup

I'm having some trouble setting up SonarQube using Maven on a Jenkins Pipeline. 我在Jenkins Pipeline上使用Maven设置SonarQube时遇到一些麻烦。

My pipeline pulls the git repo into the directory created for it and it goes through the rest of the steps successfully but I don't see the test results on SonarQube nor any output that tests are being ran. 我的管道将git repo拉入为其创建的目录中,并成功完成了其余步骤,但是我没有看到SonarQube上的测试结果,也没有看到正在运行测试的任何输出。

Here is my code set up on the pipeline: 这是我在管道上设置的代码:


  stage('Git Clone') {
    git branch: '$GIT_BRANCH'
      git url: '$GIT_REPO'
      credentialsId: '11111111-111-1111-1111-111111111111'

  stage('build & SonarQube Scan') {
      echo "running clean verify sonar"
      "$MVN clean verify sonar:sonar -Dsonar.host.url= -Dsonar.java.binaries=/etc/sonarqube"
      echo "running clean install"
      "$MVN clean install deploy -DskipTests"

The command runs just fine on a free style project: 该命令在自由样式项目上运行良好:

$MVN clean verify sonar:sonar -Dsonar.host.url= -Dsonar.java.binaries=/etc/sonarqube
$MVN clean install deploy -DskipTests

It also has an "Invoke top-level Maven targets" Maven Version: 它还具有“调用顶级Maven目标” Maven版本:

Maven 3.3.9

Goals: 目标:


Edit: Working Script 编辑:工作脚本

  stage('SonarQube analysis') {
    withSonarQubeEnv('SonarQube') {
      sh "pwd"
      echo "Running JaCoCO stuff"
      sh "$MVN clean org.jacoco:jacoco-maven-plugin:prepare-agent install -Dmaven.test.failure.ignore=false"
      echo "running clean verify"
      sh "$MVN clean verify sonar:sonar -Dsonar.host.url=" //-Dsonar.java.binaries=/etc/sonarqube"
      echo "running clean install deploy"
      sh "$MVN clean install deploy -DskipTests"

PS I am trying to create a job that you can select a repo and branch to pull from, create/use a file in that workspace to run SonarQube on PS我正在尝试创建一个作业,您可以选择要从中回购和分支的作业,在该工作区中创建/使用文件以在其上运行SonarQube

Your question demonstrates several misunderstandings. 您的问题表明了一些误解。

First, SonarQube analysis will not execute your tests for you; 首先,SonarQube分析不会为您执行测试; you need to fire that off yourself. 您需要自己开除。 As noted in the docs the command for that would be something like 文档中所述,该命令类似于

$MVN clean org.jacoco:jacoco-maven-plugin:prepare-agent install -Dmaven.test.failure.ignore=false

followed by 其次是

$MVN sonar:sonar -sonar.host.url=

Note that I've left off the -Dsonar.java.binaries=/etc/sonarqube parameter you used. 请注意,我没有使用您使用的-Dsonar.java.binaries=/etc/sonarqube参数。 That's because 那是因为

  • This is the path to the compiled classes of your project. 这是项目的已编译类的路径。 They should not be in /etc/sonarqube . 它们不应位于/etc/sonarqube (Move them if they are.) (如果有,请移动它们。)
  • Maven analysis already knows where your binaries are so you don't need to provide the path unless your build is configured to put them somewhere strange. Maven分析已经知道您的二进制文件在哪里,因此除非您的构建配置为将二进制文件放在奇怪的地方,否则您无需提供路径。

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