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[英]ANTLR4 parser generation: issue with simple grammar for conditional expressions

I am trying to generate a lexer and parser for a simple language. 我正在尝试为一种简单的语言生成一个词法分析器和解析器。 At the moment, the language can only parse a conditional expression. 目前,该语言只能解析条件表达式。 A conditional expression is much like one in C, and because I am only learning the rudiments here, all the gotchas we have in a language like CI am not going to be concerned about implementing. 条件表达式很像C语言中的条件表达式,并且由于我只是在这里学习基础知识,因此我们使用诸如CI之类的语言获得的所有陷阱都不会在意实现。

I have the following grammar: 我有以下语法:

grammar Simple ;

cond_expr     : left_paren operand operator operand right_paren ;
operand       : function_expr | ID | literal | cond_expr ;
function_expr : ID left_paren paramList right_paren ;
paramList     : param (',' param)* ;
param         : ID | function_expr ;
literal       : string | number ;
string        : '"' sentence '"' ;
sentence      : (WORD | WORD (' ' WORD)*)* ;
number        : INTEGER | FLOAT ;
left_paren    : LEFT_PAREN ;
right_paren   : RIGHT_PAREN ;
operator      : OPERATOR ;

INTEGER     : [0-9]+ ;
LEFT_PAREN  : '(' ;
ID          : [A-Za-z]+[A-Za-z0-9_]* ;
WORD        : [A-Za-z]+ ;
OPERATOR    : ('==' | '>=' | '<=' | '!=' | '&&' | '||' | '~') ;
WS          : (' '|'\r'|'\n'|'\t') -> channel(HIDDEN);

And when I run the parser on it, I am not getting the results I expect. 当我在其上运行解析器时,我没有得到预期的结果。 Here's an example of an incorrect output: 这是不正确的输出的示例:

~/sandbox $ grun Simple cond_expr -tree
(a (c, d (e, f)) != b)
line 1:2 mismatched input ' ' expecting OPERATOR
line 1:5 mismatched input ',' expecting OPERATOR
line 1:8 mismatched input ' ' expecting ')'
(cond_expr (left_paren () (operand a) (operator  ) (operand (cond_expr (left_paren () (operand c) (operator ,  ) (operand d) (right_paren   ( e ,   f))) (right_paren )))

What is the mistake in my grammar? 我的语法有什么错误? Any help is appreciated. 任何帮助表示赞赏。

Appears that the grammar is a direct implementation of an EBNF representation of the desired DSL. 似乎语法是所需DSL的EBNF表示的直接实现。 A bit more work is required to get it to work well in ANTLR. 要使其在ANTLR中正常工作,还需要做更多的工作。 As is: 照原样:

1) there is a mutual left recursion problem with the rules function_expr , paramList , and param ; 1)规则function_exprparamListparam存在相互左递归问题;

2) sentence can match nothing; 2) sentence不能匹配;

3) WS is hidden in the lexer, so sentence could never match, anyway ;); 3) WS隐藏在词法分析器中,因此sentence无论如何都不会匹配;);

4) the ID rule shadows WORD , so WORD tokens will never be emitted. 4) ID规则遮盖了WORD ,因此将永远不会发出WORD令牌。

(You should have received a Tool warning on 1 and 2; never ignore, since warnings indicate that run-time behavior can be affected.) (你应该已经收到警告工具对1和2;从不忽略,因为警告表明,运行时的行为可能会受到影响。)

The basic form for an expression rule is to list, in a single rule, all of the alternate forms of the expression. 表达式规则的基本形式是在一条规则中列出表达式的所有替代形式。

expr  : LPAREN expr RPAREN 
      | expr operator expr
      | function
      | string
      | number
      | ID

function  : ID LPAREN ( ID | function ) (',' ( ID | function ))* RPAREN ;

string        : STRING ;
number        : INTEGER | FLOAT ;
operator      : OPERATOR ;

STRING : '"' .*? '"' ;

(untested) (未试)

So (a (c, d (e, f)) != b) should correctly evaluate to 因此(a (c, d (e, f)) != b)应该正确计算为

expr (function ( ID, function ( ID, ID ) ) operator ID 

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