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[英]Complex Statements Intent Classification

Consider following sentences: 1) I want to watch movies watched by Srikanth but not by tarun 2) I want to watch movies of Christoper Nolan but not having Christian Bayle 3) I want watch movies watched by Srikanth but not liked by Tarun 请考虑以下句子:1)我想看Srikanth观看的电影,但不看塔伦(tarun)2)我想看Christoper Nolan的电影,但没有克里斯蒂安·贝勒3)我想看Srikanth观看的电影,但不喜欢Tarun

The problem I am facing is - Even though I can successfully define entities such as "not watched", "watched" , "not liked" , "having" , "not having" etc; 我面临的问题是-即使我可以成功定义诸如“未观看”,“已观看”,“不喜欢”,“有”,“没有”等实体; etc; 等等; Hence I will know what kind of action user is referring to. 因此,我将知道用户指的是哪种动作。 I will also get to know names like Srikanth, Tarun, Nolan, Bayle etc; 我还将认识一些名字,例如Srikanth,Tarun,Nolan,Bayle等; But How do I establish Relationship between name and action. 但是,我该如何建立名称与行动之间的关系。 How do i know which action was related to which name. 我怎么知道哪个动作与哪个名字有关。 I am not able to achieve this in LUIS / DIALOGFLOW. 我无法在LUIS / DIALOGFLOW中实现这一目标。

What I feel is only way is to break statement into 2 distinct statements, How can we do that and is that a right approahc 我认为唯一的方法是将语句分解为2个不同的语句,我们该怎么做,这是正确的方法

We cannot directly assign multiple intents to the same utterance through LUIS. 我们不能通过LUIS直接将多个意图分配给同一话语。 You can use NLTK along with LUIS to fix this issue as discussed here . 您可以使用NLTK与LUIS一起所讨论的解决此问题在这里

Another workaround is to create 2 apps with each intent and assign the same utterances and add the code which would differentiate the intent based on the keyword in the sentence. 另一个解决方法是为每个意图创建2个应用程序并分配相同的发音,并添加基于句子中关键字区分意图的代码。

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