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[英]Entity Framework messes up my many-to-many self relation

I have a Products Table and a BundleLink Table which defines whicht product is a bundle product of an other. 我有一个产品表和一个BundleLink表,它们定义了哪个产品是另一个产品的捆绑产品。

    public class Product
        public int Id { get; set; }

        public ICollection<BundleLink> MasterOf { get; set; }

        public ICollection<BundleLink> BundleOf { get; set; }

    public class BundleLink
        public int Id { get; set; }

        public Product Master { get; set; }

        public Product Bundle { get; set; }

        public int Quantity { get; set; }

So when I go to a master product, I see what bundles are referring to it and in the other direction. 因此,当我使用主产品时,我会看到捆绑在指什么产品,以及其他方向。

But entity framework creates 4 columns in the sql server in the BundleLink table. 但是实体框架在BundleLink表的sql服务器中创建4列。 It creates one for the product fields i defined and two more foreign keys where one of them is null everytime, it depends on in which direction i add a bundle. 它为我定义的产品字段创建一个,再创建两个外键,其中每个外键每次都为null,这取决于我添加捆绑的方向。 How can i define for EF which BundeLink collection belongs to which Product? 如何为EF定义哪个BundeLink集合属于哪个产品?

I hope my description is understandable. 我希望我的描述是可以理解的。 Thanks in advance. 提前致谢。

In Entity Framework you need to follow Data Annotations - ForeignKey Attribute in EF 6 & EF Core. 在实体框架中,您需要遵循EF 6和EF Core中的数据注释-ForeignKey属性。

The ForeignKey attribute is used to configure a foreign key in the relationship between two entities in EF 6 and EF Core. ForeignKey属性用于在EF 6和EF Core中的两个实体之间的关系中配置外键。 It overrides the default conventions. 它会覆盖默认约定。 As per the default convention, EF makes a property as foreign key property when its name matches with the primary key property of a related entity. 根据默认约定,当EF的名称与相关实体的主键属性匹配时,EF会将其作为外键属性。

More information: http://www.entityframeworktutorial.net/code-first/foreignkey-dataannotations-attribute-in-code-first.aspx 详细信息: http : //www.entityframeworktutorial.net/code-first/foreignkey-dataannotations-attribute-in-code-first.aspx

Thanks, raghu 谢谢raghu

How can i define for EF which BundeLink collection belongs to which Product? 如何为EF定义哪个BundeLink集合属于哪个产品?

You have two solutions: 您有两种解决方案:

  • in OnModelCreating method of your DbConext use fluent configuration so by defining relation it helps EF to know which collections belong to which. OnModelCreating你的方法DbConext用流利的配置,以便通过定义关系有助于EF知道哪些集合属于哪个。
  • decorate your collection with InverseProperty attribute. InverseProperty属性装饰您的收藏集。 So in your collections you will have InversProperty("Master") for MasterOf collection and InversProperty("Bundle") for BundleOf . 因此,在你的收藏,你将有InversProperty("Master")MasterOf收集和InversProperty("Bundle")BundleOf

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