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[英]QT - connecting QPushButtons with QCheckBoxes

I am new to QT. 我是QT新手。 I started creating a TODO app and I want to somehow connect my PushButtons that are placed in vector with CheckBoxes that are also placed in a different vector. 我开始创建TODO应用,我想以某种方式将放置在矢量中的按钮与也放置在不同矢量中的CheckBox连接起来。

std::vector <QPushButton*> buttons;
std::vector <QCheckBox*> checks;

I thought that the best way to do that will be to make a for loop connecting every element of mentioned vectors 我认为最好的方法是建立一个for循环,连接提到的向量的每个元素

Something like: 就像是:

for(int i=0; i<buttons.size(); ++i){
    connect(buttons[i], SIGNAL(???), checks[i], SLOT(???));

But idea is the only thing that I have. 但是想法是我唯一的东西。 I tried putting different things into SIGNAL() and SLOT() but none of them worked. 我尝试将不同的东西放到SIGNAL()和SLOT()中,但是它们都不起作用。 By "none of them worked" I mean the fact that when button is clicked nothing happens. “没有一个起作用”是指当单击按钮时什么也没有发生的事实。 Program is normally compiled without any error. 程序通常已编译,没有任何错误。

What about just clicked(bool) for SIGNAL and toggle() for SLOT ? 刚刚clicked(bool)SIGNALtoggle()SLOT怎么办?

Something like that: 像这样:

connect(pushButton, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), checkBox, SLOT(toggle()));

Works for me - and you can store the widgets directly in a std::list : that avoids the need to mess with manual memory management. 适用于我-您可以将小部件直接存储在std::list :这样就避免了手动存储管理的麻烦。 Let the libraries do it for you. 让图书馆为您做。

#include <QtWidgets>
#include <list>
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
   QApplication app{argc, argv};
   QWidget win;
   QGridLayout layout{&win};
   std::list<QPushButton> buttons;
   std::list<QCheckBox> checkboxes;
   QPushButton addButton{"Add"};
   layout.addWidget(&addButton, 0, 0, 2, 1);
   auto const clicked = &QAbstractButton::clicked;
   auto const toggle = &QAbstractButton::toggle;
   auto const add = [&,clicked,toggle]{
      int const col = layout.columnCount();
      auto const text = QString::number(col);
      auto *button = &(buttons.emplace_back(text), buttons.back()); //C++11, not 14
      auto *checkbox = &(checkboxes.emplace_back(text), checkboxes.back());
      layout.addWidget(button, 0, col);
      layout.addWidget(checkbox, 1, col);
      QObject::connect(button, clicked, checkbox, toggle);
   QObject::connect(&addButton, clicked, add);
   return app.exec();

With Qt-5 you can now use lambda functions as slots (see connect version 5 ) 使用Qt-5,您现在可以将lambda函数用作插槽(请参阅连接版本5

You can also do away with the need for the SIGNAL macro, and instead use member function pointers. 您也可以消除对SIGNAL宏的需要,而使用成员函数指针。

QObject::connect(buttons[i], &QPushButton::clicked, [=]
        // toggle the check state

The first two parameters are a pointer to an object, and a member function pointer 前两个参数是指向对象的指针和成员函数指针

  • buttons[i] is of type QPushButton* buttons[i]的类型为QPushButton*
  • &QPushButton::clicked is a member function pointer of the signal you want to connect to &QPushButton::clicked是您要连接的信号的成员函数指针

The second parameter is a C++11 lambda, which captures checked and i by value, and then sets the QCheckBox checked state to the inverse of its previous value 第二个参数是C ++ 11 lambda,它按值捕获checkedi ,然后将QCheckBox选中的状态设置为其先前值的倒数

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