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dynamoose 如何让多个模型共享一个表?

[英]How can dynamoose have multiple models share a single table?

Can you use dynamoose to have multiple models share a single table?您可以使用 dynamoose 让多个模型共享一个表吗? Here are two models that I have where I want them being saved in the same table and differentiate them by their type hash key and id range key.这是我希望将它们保存在同一个表中的两个模型,并通过它们的type hash 键和id范围键来区分它们。

const Courses = dynamoose.model(
  new dynamoose.Schema(
      id: { type: String, rangeKey: true },
      type: { type: String, hashKey: true },
      department: { type: String },
      description: { type: String },
      image: { type: String },
      name: { type: String },
      throughput: 1,
      timestamps: true
  { update: true }

const Teachers = dynamoose.model(
  new dynamoose.Schema(
      id: { type: String, rangeKey: true },
      type: { type: String, hashKey: true },
      picture: { type: String },
      name: { type: String },
      bio: { type: String }
      throughput: 1,
      timestamps: true
  { update: true }

These are the methods that I use.这些是我使用的方法。 I can tell in console.logging the args parameters have what I expect going into the new... .我可以在 console.logging 中告诉 args 参数有我期望进入new...的内容。 The return statement from the new Course or new Teachers functions have all the parameters that I added but they don't actually end up in the database. new Coursenew Teachers函数的返回语句具有我添加的所有参数,但它们实际上并没有出现在数据库中。 Why is that?这是为什么?

create: ({ args, context }) =>
  new Courses({
    id: shortid.generate(),
    type: course,

create: ({ args, context }) => {
  return new Teachers({
    id: shortid.generate(),
    type: teacher,

I figured out what was going on. 我知道发生了什么事。 Dynamoose doesn't support having multiple models for the same table . Dynamoose 不支持同一张桌子具有多个模型 This might be a feature in the future though. 不过,这可能是将来的功能。 I think the best way to address it would be to merge the models together or use a different ORM. 我认为解决此问题的最佳方法是将模型合并在一起或使用其他ORM。

Its possible now with Version 2.0 rewrite of Dynamoose.现在可以使用 Dynamoose 的 2.0 版重写。 https://github.com/dynamoose/dynamoose/issues/709 https://github.com/dynamoose/dynamoose/issues/709

The Model document also mentions that we can give array of schemas to support single table design https://dynamoose.vercel.app/guide/Model Model 文档也提到我们可以给出模式数组来支持单表设计https://dynamoose.vercel.app/guide/Model

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