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错误TS2304:在angular 5组件中找不到$

[英]error TS2304: cannot find $ in angular 5 component

I have a side-navbar in angular component which expands on click similar to this . 我在角度组件中有一个侧导航栏,它在类似于此的点击上展开。 The HTML snippet used to create the navbar is : 用于创建导航栏的HTML代码段为:


As the name( openNav() ) suggests, the following HTML code will expand the navbar : 正如名称( openNav() )所示,以下HTML代码将展开导航栏

    <img (click)="openNav()" src="/imagepath" id="image">

And the following HTML code will close the navbar : 以下HTML代码将关闭导航栏

<div id="mySidenav" class="sidenav">
    <ul class="navbar-nav mr-auto" id="sidenavContent">
        <li class="nav-item" id="close-btn">
            <img class="closebtn" (click)="closeNav()" id="white-cross" src="/assets/imagepath">
        <li class="nav-item" id="close-btn">
           <p> Item 1 </p>
        <li class="nav-item">
            <p> Item 2 </p>


Typescript: 打字稿:

The typescript used is: 使用的打字稿是:

     $("#mySidenav").css("width", "50%");   // Line A

    $("#mySidenav").css("width", "0%");   // Line B

The above typescript code is not included in the ngOnInit() function. 上述打字稿代码不包含在ngOnInit()函数中。

Problem Statement : 问题陈述 :

As soon as I do ng serve on my command prompt, I get the following error: 当我做ng serve我的命令提示符下,我收到以下错误:

error TS2304: Cannot find name '$'. 错误TS2304:找不到名称'$'。

The $ represents the lines ( Line A and Line B in the typescript above) inside openNav() and closeNav() functions above in the typescript. $表示打字稿中上面的openNav()和closeNav()函数中的行(上面打字稿中的行A和行B )。

I am wondering what are the primary reasons behind that error as sometimes I get the error and sometimes I don't while doing ng-serve . 我想知道这个错误背后的主要原因是什么, 因为有时我得到错误,有时候我不做ng-serve

I assume that $ is jQuery . 我假设$jQuery You must add jQuery to your dependencies and imported it in the file where you're using it. 您必须将jQuery添加到依赖项中,并将其导入到您正在使用它的文件中。 I'd suggest also adding the type definitions for jQuery: npm install @types/jquery --save-dev 我建议还添加jQuery的类型定义: npm install @types/jquery --save-dev

If you're importing jQuery in any other way, then just add the types. 如果您以任何其他方式导入jQuery,则只需添加类型。

This is a possible solution: 这是一个可能的解决方案:


<img (click)="openNav()" src="/imagepath" id="image">
And the following HTML code will close the navbar:

<div id="mySidenav" class="sidenav" style="{{vstyle}}">
  <ul class="navbar-nav mr-auto" id="sidenavContent">
    <li class="nav-item" id="close-btn">
      <img class="closebtn" (click)="closeNav()" id="white-cross" src="/assets/imagepath">
    <li class="nav-item" id="close-btn">
      <p> Item 1 </p>
    <li class="nav-item">
      <p> Item 2 </p>


Typescript: 打字稿:

//Define a visual style variable
vstyle: = 'width:50%;';

     vstyle = 'width:50%;';   // Line A

    vstyle = 'width:0%;';   // Line A

If you are using the jquery in ts file, declare $ as a variable of type any, then you won't get the error. 如果您在ts文件中使用jquery,请将$声明为类型为any的变量,那么您将不会收到错误。

declare var $:any 声明var $:any

Use style.width 使用style.width

<div id="mySidenav"  [style.width]="myWidthVariable+'%'" class="sidenav">
<ul class="navbar-nav mr-auto" id="sidenavContent">
    <li class="nav-item" id="close-btn">
        <img class="closebtn" (click)="closeNav()" id="white-cross" src="/assets/imagepath">
    <li class="nav-item" id="close-btn">
       <p> Item 1 </p>
    <li class="nav-item">
        <p> Item 2 </p>


And then set the value of "myWidthVariable" on your openNav() and closeNav() methods (just the number). 然后在openNav()和closeNav()方法(只是数字)上设置“myWidthVariable”的值。

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