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[英]TypeError: an integer is required when select subset of rows dataframe pandas

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I have a json file which contains a list of json objects (each has the structure like above) 我有一个包含json对象列表的json文件(每个对象都具有上述结构)

So I read it into a dataframe: 所以我将其读入数据框:

df = pd.read_json('data.json')

and then I try to get all the rows which are the 'city' type by: 然后我尝试通过以下方式获取所有属于“城市”类型的行:

df = df[df['place']['place_type'] == 'city']

but then I got the 'TypeError: an integer is required' During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred: KeyError: 'place_type' 但是随后我得到了'TypeError:需要一个整数'在处理上述异常期间,发生了另一个异常:KeyError:'place_type'

Then I tried: 然后我尝试了:

0    {'id': '01864a8a64df9dc4', 'url': 'https://api...
1    {'id': '01864a8a64df9dc4', 'url': 'https://api...
2    {'id': '0118c71c0ed41109', 'url': 'https://api...
Name: place, dtype: object

So df['place'] return a series where keys are the indexes and that's why I got the TypeError 所以df ['place']返回一个序列,其中键是索引,这就是为什么我得到TypeError的原因

I've also tried to select the place_type of the first row and it works just fine: 我也尝试选择第一行的place_type ,它工作得很好:


The question is how can I filter out the rows in this case? 问题是在这种情况下如何过滤出行?

Solution: 解:

Okay, so the problem lies in the fact that the pd.read_json cannot deal with nested JSON structure, so what I have done is to normalize the json object: 好的,所以问题出在以下事实: pd.read_json无法处理嵌套的JSON结构,因此我要做的是标准化json对象:

with open('data.json') as jsonfile:
    data = json.load(jsonfile)

df = pd.io.json.json_normalize(data)

df = df[df['place.place_type'] == 'city']

You can use the a list comprehension to do the filtering you need. 您可以使用列表推导来进行所需的过滤。

df = [loc for loc in df if d['place']['place_type'] == 'city']

This will give you an array where the elements place_type is 'city' . 这将为您提供一个数组,其中元素place_type'city'

I don't know if you have to use the place_type that is the index, to show all the rows that contains city. 我不知道您是否必须使用作为索引的place_type来显示包含city的所有行。

"and then I try to get all the rows which are the city type by:" “然后我尝试通过以下方式获取所有city类型的行:”

This way you can get all the rows that contains city in the column place : 这样,您可以在列place获取包含city的所有行:

df = df[(df['place'] == 'city')]

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