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[英]In mysql how can I get only rows from one table which do not link to any rows in another table with a specific ID

I have two tables with the following structures (unnecessary columns trimmed out) 我有两个具有以下结构的表(删去了不必要的列)

-----------------   ---------------------
| mod_personnel |   | mod_skills        |
|               |   |                   |
| - prs_id      |   | - prs_id          |
| - name        |   | - skl_id          |
-----------------   |                   |

There may be 0 to many rows in the skills table for each prs_id 每个prs_idskills表中可能有0到许多行

What I want is all the personnel records which do NOT have an associated skill record with skill_id 1. In plain English "I want all the people who do not have the skill x". 我想要的是所有没有与skill_id 1相关的技能记录的人员记录。 skill_id “我希望所有不具备x技能的人”。

Currently, I have only been able to do it with the following nested select . 目前,我只能使用以下嵌套的select来做到这一点。 But I am hoping to find a faster way. 但我希望找到一种更快的方法。

SELECT * FROM `mod_personnel` WHERE `prs_id` NOT IN (
SELECT `prs_id` FROM `mod_skills` WHERE `skl_id` = 1 )

Using a NOT EXISTS might be faster. 使用NOT EXISTS可能会更快。

       FROM `mod_personnel` p
                                FROM `mod_skills` s
                                WHERE s.`prs_id` = p.`prs_id`
                                      AND s.`skl_id` = 1 );

This may be faster: 这可能会更快:

SELECT `mod_personnel`.* 
FROM `mod_personnel` 
    left outer join `mod_skills`
        on `mod_skills`.`prs_id` = `mod_personnel`.`prs_id` 
            and `mod_skills`.`skl_id` = 1
WHERE  `mod_skills`.`prs_id` is null;


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