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[英]Python append to a .txt

Hi im still learning python and currently trying to write some data to a txt file. 您好,即时通讯仍在学习python,目前正在尝试将一些数据写入txt文件。 I'm having issues with adding more than 1 persons details.I can the first persons details and it works fine but when I choose to add another persons set of details I get the following error. 我在添加多个人的详细信息时遇到问题。我可以使用第一个人的详细信息,但效果很好,但是当我选择添加其他人的详细信息集时,出现以下错误。

line 58, in <module>
AttributeError: 'map' object has no attribute 'append'

any help would be appreciated, I did check other similar questions but couldn't work it out. 任何帮助将不胜感激,我确实检查了其他类似的问题,但无法解决。

genderlist=["M", "F",]

while (moredata=="Y" or moredata== "y"):

    datafile = open ("peSchool.text", "a+")
    first=input( "enter first name ")
    while not first.isalpha():
        print (" name should be alphabetic")
        first=input("enter first name ")
    second=input("surname ")
    while not second.isalpha():
        print (" surname should be alphabetic")
        second=input("enter surname ")
    postcode=input("postcode ")
    gender=input("enter gender ")
    while gender not in genderlist:
        print ("gender should be M, F ")
        gender = input("Gender ")
        gender = gender.upper() 
    age=input("enter age ")
    while int(age) not in range(11,15):
        print(" age must be betwwen 11 and 15 ")
        age=input("enter age ")
    if int(age) ==11:
    elif int(age) ==12:
    elif int(age) ==13:

    unit=int(input("enter SATS units"))
    while int(unit) not in range(4,9):
        print(" SATS must be between 4 - 8 ")
        unit=input("enter SATS units")
    if int(unit) ==4:
        if gender=="M":
            unit = "Blake House"
        elif gender=="F":
            unit = "Woolfe House"
    elif int(unit) in range (5,6):
        if gender=="M":
            unit = "Harrison House"
        elif gender=="F":
            unit = "Gordon House"
        unit = "Jackson House"


    print (datalist.count)
    datalist = map(str, datalist)
    line = ",".join(datalist)
    datafile.writelines(line + "\n")

    print("First Name", first, "Surname", second, "Postcode", postcode, "Gender", gender, "Age", age, "house", unit, "Science Group ", group,)
    moredata=input("more students y/n ")
    moredata = moredata.upper()

There are a few things wrong here. 这里有些错误。

As Patrick Haugh points out above, map() returns a map, not a list, and so doesn't have an .append() method. 正如Patrick Haugh指出的那样, map()返回的是地图,而不是列表,因此没有.append()方法。 You can solve this by converting the map object in a list as he mentions: datalist = list(map(str, datalist)) 您可以通过将地图对象转换为列表中提到的列表来解决此问题: datalist = list(map(str, datalist))

There is also the fact that the Python lists don't have a .count attribute. 还有一个事实,就是Python列表没有.count属性。 Instead, you presumably want to know the length of the list, so you can just do print(len(datalist)) . 相反,您可能想知道列表的长度,因此只需执行print(len(datalist))

Finally, there is a logical error: you will either need to write ONE line for each student at the end of the outer while loop, or else collect all the collected students and write them out at once. 最后,存在一个逻辑错误:您可能需要在外部while循环的末尾为每个学生写一行,或者收集所有收集的学生并立即将其写出。 The former is much simpler. 前者要简单得多。 Just move the clearing of the datalist variable, inside the loop, to the top, rather than before it. 只需将循环内datalist变量的清除移到顶部,而不是移到顶部即可。 Also note that since you are normalizing case with moredata = moredata.upper() and the bottom of the loop, you don't need to check for both cases at the top. 还要注意,由于您要使用moredata = moredata.upper()和循环的底部来规范化情况, moredata = moredata.upper()无需在顶部检查这两种情况。

while (moredata=="Y"):

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