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Web Api项目中的MVC应用程序Cookie和令牌认证

[英]MVC application Cookie AND Token authentication in Web Api project

I'm currently working on a project which has 2 clients. 我目前正在开展一个有2个客户的项目。 An MVC client and an Android client. MVC客户端和Android客户端。

I've implemented ASP .Net Identity for the authentication of my MVC controllers. 我已经实现了ASP .Net Identityauthentication我的MVC控制器。 The MVC project also includes some web API controllers. MVC项目还包括一些Web API控制器。 In my views, I call both the controllers, as well as some ajax calls to my web API . 在我的视图中,我调用了控制器,以及对我的Web API一些ajax调用。

Question: Is it possible to, when I make an ajax call from browser to the web API (or controllers), to use cookie based authentication , but when I make an ajax call from the android app, use token authentication ? 问题:当我从浏览器向Web API(或控制器)发出ajax调用时,是否可以使用cookie based authentication ,但是当我从android应用程序进行ajax调用时,使用token authentication

I'm using .Net Framework 4.6.1 我正在使用.Net Framework 4.6.1

define two policies: one for the API ( apipolicy ) and the other for normal MVC calls ( defaultpolicy ) in Startup.cs in ConfigureServices metod this: 定义两个策略:一个用于API( apipolicy ),另一个用于ConfigureServices中的Startup.cs中的普通MVC调用( defaultpolicy ):

services.AddAuthorization(options =>
    // define several authorization policies if needed
    options.AddPolicy("defaultpolicy", b =>
    options.AddPolicy("apipolicy", b =>
        // define which authentication is used for this policy

to apply each policy you need to decorate controllers with the desired [Authorize ("policy")] Attribute like: 应用您需要的每个策略来装饰具有所需[Authorize ("policy")]属性的控制器,如:

SampleDataApiController.cs - with apipolicy applied SampleDataApiController.cs - 应用了apipolicy

[Authorize ("apipolicy")]
public class SampleDataApiController : Controller

AccountController.cs - with defaultpolicy applied AccountController.cs - 应用了defaultpolicy

public class AccountController : Controller

As a sample here is my complete ConfigureServices method to give you an idea: 这里的示例是我完整的ConfigureServices方法,可以为您提供一个想法:

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)

    services.AddAuthorization(options =>
        options.AddPolicy("defaultpolicy", b =>
        options.AddPolicy("apipolicy", b =>

    services.AddAuthentication(options =>
        options.DefaultAuthenticateScheme = CookieAuthenticationDefaults.AuthenticationScheme;
        options.DefaultSignInScheme = CookieAuthenticationDefaults.AuthenticationScheme;
        options.DefaultChallengeScheme = "CustomScheme";
    .AddJwtBearer(options =>
        // Bearer Logic
    .AddOAuth("CustomScheme", options =>
        // Oauth Logic

I just added the following nuget for simplicity. 为简单起见,我刚刚添加了以下nuget。 Microsoft.AspNetCore.All Microsoft.AspNetCore.All


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