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在React Components中挂载转换DOM的外部脚本?

[英]Mounting external scripts that transform the DOM in React Components?

Needing a solution to a problem that I have asked in many ways without resolve. 需要一个解决方案来解决我在很多方面没有解决问题的问题。

I have external scripts from TripAdvisor that are being mounted in a component as componentDidMount . 我有来自TripAdvisor的外部脚本,它们作为componentDidMount安装在componentDidMount Also shouldComponentUpdate() as false to avoid future eventListeners also mounted by componentDidMount in the layouts/index.js from affecting the TripAdvisor content to disappear due to re-render of the DOM. 另外, shouldComponentUpdate()false以避免将来eventListeners layouts/index.js中的componentDidMount挂载的未来eventListeners影响由于重新呈现DOM而导致的TripAdvisor内容消失。

componentDidMount () {
    const tripadvisorLeft = document.createElement("script");
    tripadvisorLeft.src = "https://www.jscache.com/wejs?wtype=selfserveprop&uniq=789&locationId=10467767&lang=en_AU&rating=true&nreviews=0&writereviewlink=true&popIdx=true&iswide=true&border=false&display_version=2";

    const tripadvisorRight = document.createElement("script");
    tripadvisorRight.src = "https://www.jscache.com/wejs?wtype=selfserveprop&uniq=998&locationId=10467767&lang=en_AU&rating=false&nreviews=4&writereviewlink=false&popIdx=false&iswide=true&border=false&display_version=2";

shouldComponentUpdate() {
    return false;

The problem is that when using Link by either react-route or gatsby-link to and from the page that contains the component the content from TripAdvisor is not rendered. 问题是,当使用Link的任何react-routegatsby-link并从包含登录内容不被渲染组件的页面。

If I refresh the browser on the page - the content is available. 如果我刷新页面上的浏览器 - 内容可用。 See here - example 见这里 - 例子

How can I unmount , forceUpdate or any other solution to getting these scripts re-render on route change ? 如何unmountforceUpdate或任何其他解决方案,以便在route change重新呈现这些脚本?

Full source code can be found here . 完整的源代码可以在这里找到。

It appears that the TripAdvisor script is creating a function called injectselfserveprop*** . 看来, 登录脚本创建一个名为功能injectselfserveprop*** (where *** are random numbers). (其中***是随机数)。

This function is responsible to display the HTML code of the TripAdvisor widget. 此函数负责显示TripAdvisor小部件的HTML代码。

However, for obscure reason this function is not called when you reach the Component with Link . 但是,由于不明原因,当您到达带Link的Component时,不会调用此函数。

This is one solution for your issue, and might not be the best: 这是您的问题的一个解决方案,可能不是最好的:

1) Define your script tags in src/layouts/index.js 1)在src / layouts / index.js中定义脚本标记

Because the TripAdvisor ' script creates these functions, we have to define the scripts before rendering the TripAdvisor component. 因为TripAdvisor '脚本创建了这些函数,所以我们必须在渲染TripAdvisor组件之前定义脚本。

  // ...
  <script src={`https://www.jscache.com/wejs?wtype=selfserveprop&uniq=789&locationId=10467767&lang=en_AU&rating=true&nreviews=0&writereviewlink=true&popIdx=true&iswide=true&border=false&display_version=2`}/>
  <script src={`https://www.jscache.com/wejs?wtype=selfserveprop&uniq=998&locationId=10467767&lang=en_AU&rating=false&nreviews=4&writereviewlink=false&popIdx=false&iswide=true&border=false&display_version=2`}/>

2) call the injectselfserveprop functions on TripAdvisor componentDidMount() 2)在TripAdvisor componentDidMount()上调用injectselfserveprop函数

componentDidMount() {
  // find any function that begins with 'injectselfserveprop'
  // and execute it.
  Object.keys(window).forEach((key) => {
    if (key.match(/^injectselfserveprop[0-9]+$/)) {

I have tried this and it works for me. 我试过这个,它对我有用。

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