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R DiagrammeR软件包-动态更新图表

[英]R DiagrammeR package - Dynamically update diagram

I am trying to update a diagram in R Studio viewer at each step of a for loop. 我试图在for循环的每个步骤中在R Studio查看器中更新一个图。

At the end of the loop I would like to obtain this: 在循环结束时,我想获得以下内容:

wish result 希望结果

But I obtain this: 但是我得到这个:

bad result 不好的结果

The code for the above is like this: 上面的代码是这样的:


a_graph <-
  create_graph() %>%
  add_node(label = 'Start', type = 'actif', node_aes = node_aes(fillcolor = "orange",shape = "rectangle"
  ) ) 

a_graph %>% render_graph()

update_my_graph <- function(label, label_from){
  from_id <- which( (a_graph %>% get_node_df())$label==label_from )
  a_graph <<- a_graph %>% 
      conditions = 
        type == 'actif') %>%
      node_attr = fillcolor,
      value = "blue") %>%
    clear_selection() %>% 
    add_node(label = label, from = from_id, type = 'actif', node_aes = node_aes(fillcolor = "orange",shape = "rectangle",fixedsize = FALSE))
  a_graph %>% render_graph(layout = "tree")

for(i in 1:5) update_my_graph(i,'Start')

R version 3.4.1 (2017-06-30) -- "Single Candle" tidyverse 1.2.1 DiagrammeR 1.0.0 RStudio 1.1.383 R版本3.4.1(2017-06-30)-“ Single Candle” tidyverse 1.2.1 DiagrammeR 1.0.0 RStudio 1.1.383

Your function is correct, really. 您的功能确实正确。 The "bad result" is actually your first a_graph %>% render_graph() in line 7 and no further plots have been called, hence the result. “不良结果”实际上是您在第7行中的第一个a_graph %>% render_graph() ,并且没有进一步的绘图被调用,因此是结果。 To see this, you can erase the plot before you undergo for(i in 1:5) update_my_graph(i,'Start') . 要看到这一点,可以在进行for(i in 1:5) update_my_graph(i,'Start') 之前擦除该图。 You will see that there is no plot output. 您将看到没有绘图输出。 And after you have done the five updates, you can again call a_graph %>% render_graph(layout = "tree") and you will see that it has given you the result that you wanted. 完成五次更新后,您可以再次调用a_graph %>% render_graph(layout = "tree") ,您会看到它已经为您提供了想要的结果。 The function itself is not printing the plot. 该函数本身不打印图。

Hence it is a simple matter to do as follows: 因此,执行以下操作很简单:

update_my_graph <- function(label, label_from){
  from_id <- which((a_graph %>% get_node_df())$label==label_from)
  a_graph <<- a_graph %>% 
    select_nodes(conditions = type == 'actif') %>%
    set_node_attrs_ws(node_attr = fillcolor, value = "blue") %>%
    clear_selection() %>% 
    add_node(label = label, from = from_id, type = 'actif', 
             node_aes = node_aes(fillcolor = "orange", 
                                 shape = "rectangle", 
                                 fixedsize = FALSE))
  print(a_graph %>% render_graph(layout = "tree"))

That is, simply put print around the a_graph %>% render_graph(layout = "tree") . 也就是说,只需将print放在a_graph %>% render_graph(layout = "tree")周围。 You could also do return(a_graph %>% render_graph(layout = "tree")) then call the stored plot. 您也可以return(a_graph %>% render_graph(layout = "tree"))然后调用存储的图。

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