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Swift Alamofire转义JSON

[英]Swift Alamofire Escape a JSON

I am working with swift Alamofire, but i had an issue, i want pass data to the server but the server required escaped JSON string, like this 我正在使用迅速的Alamofire,但遇到一个问题,我想将数据传递到服务器,但是服务器需要转义的JSON字符串,例如


but I have this data from the response: 但我从响应中得到了以下数据:


how can I convert JSON to escaped JSON like that, 我该如何将JSON转换为转义的JSON,

I have tried this online converter Converter Escape JSON 我已经尝试过此在线转换器Converter Escape JSON

and its works perfect, how can I escape like that in swift Xcode. 并且它的作品非常完美,我该如何在迅捷的Xcode中逃脱。

update complete json (look inside feed: ) 更新完整的json(在feed中查看:)

   "depart_flight":"[{\"airlineCode\":\"LIO\",\"arriveCity\":\"Jakarta Soekarno Hatta\",\"arriveDate\":\"2018-04-28\",\"arriveDatetime\":\"2018-04-28 20:05\",\"arrivePort\":\"CGK\",\"arriveTime\":\"20:05\",\"arriveTimezone\":7.0,\"departCity\":\"Yogyakarta\",\"departDate\":\"2018-04-28\",\"departDatetime\":\"2018-04-28 18:50\",\"departPort\":\"JOG\",\"departTime\":\"18:50\",\"departTimezone\":7.0,\"flightNumber\":\"JT 555\",\"stopCount\":0}]",
   "contact_name":"Mulia RIfai",
   "adult":"[[\"Mr\",\"Muhammad Fuad\",null,null,\"0\",null,null,null,null,null]]",

Even though this should be fixed by the server. 即使这应该由服务器修复。 A nasty hack would be to first stringify your json that should be passed as the string and then replacing the occurrence of double quotation with \\". 讨厌的破解方法是首先将应该作为字符串传递的json字符串化,然后将\\替换为双引号。

let dic = ["status":1,

        ] as [String : Any]

    if let json = try? JSONSerialization.data(withJSONObject: dic, options: JSONSerialization.WritingOptions.init(rawValue: 0)) {
        if let str = String(data: json, encoding: String.Encoding.utf8)?.replacingOccurrences(of: "\"", with: "\\\"") {

Result: 结果:


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