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React ES6组件模式API

[英]React ES6 component modal API

I would like to create component API for dialog window, based on https://github.com/reactjs/react-modal 我想基于https://github.com/reactjs/react-modal为对话框窗口创建组件API

I want render react component with renderDOM, get component instance and call API of modal, it does mean for example open(), close() etc. 我想用renderDOM渲染render组件,获取组件实例并调用模态的API,这的确意味着例如open(),close()等。

So, more precisely I would like to work with current state of component, (like API works) not with props. 因此,更准确地说,我想使用组件的当前状态(例如API工作)而不使用道具。

I have simple base class for all modals: 我对所有模态都有简单的基类:

export class BaseModal extends Modal {

    constructor() {

        this.state = BaseModal._getInitState();          

    static get style() {
        return {
            content: {
                top: '50%',
                left: '50%',
                right: 'auto',
                bottom: 'auto',
                marginRight: '-50%',
                transform: 'translate(-50%, -50%)'

    open() {
        this.setState({isOpen: true});

    close() {
        this.setState({isOpen: false});

    render() {
        return this.state.isOpen ? (
            <div className="modal modal__{this.name}">

                <Modal isOpen={this.state.isOpen}

                    <button onClick={this.close}>X</button>

                    <div className="modal__body">

                    <div className="modal__footer">
        ) : null;

    getHeaderContent() {
        throw new Error("Not implement in child class.");

    getBodyContent() {
        throw new Error("Not implement in child class.");

    getFooterContent() {
        throw new Error("Not implement in child class.");

    static _getInitState() {
        let state = {};
        state.isOpen = false;

Now I have child component: 现在我有子组件:

export class RecommendTripModal extends BaseModal {

    getHeaderContent() {
        return "Test modal dialog";      

    getBodyContent() {
        return <p>Test modal body</p>;

    getFooterContent() {
        return <p>Test modal footer</p>;

Ok, this is fine, but now I want to call something like this: 好的,这很好,但是现在我想调用这样的名称:

let recommendedTripModal = ReactDOM.render(React.createElement(RecommendTripModal, null), document.querySelector("#modals")); 

//open dialog

But now is problem with context. 但是现在是上下文问题。 Because this.state.isOpen has RecommendTripModal context and state is null. 因为this.state.isOpen具有RecommendTripModal上下文,所以状态为null。 Is there way, how to solved this problem with react? 有没有办法,如何用反应来解决这个问题? And is this solid way? 这是可靠的方法吗? Or I should create required API different way? 还是我应该以其他方式创建所需的API?

Thank you for your time! 感谢您的时间!

Okay, let's dig a little bit deeper here, best way is to use React context and HoC magic power 好的,让我们在这里进行更深入的探讨,最好的方法是使用React上下文和HoC魔术功能

Modal.js Modal.js

import React from "react";
import PropTypes from "prop-types";
import { omit } from "lodash";

export class Modal extends React.Component {
  static contextTypes = {
    modalOpen: PropTypes.bool

  static propTypes = {
    children: PropTypes.node

  render() {
    if (!this.context.modalOpen) return null;

    return (
        <h1>I am base modal title</h1>

export class ModalContext extends React.Component {
  static childContextTypes = {
    modalOpen: PropTypes.bool

  static defaultProps = {
    onOpen: () => {},
    onClose: () => {}

  static propTypes = {
    children: PropTypes.func.isRequired

  constructor(...args) {

    this.handleOpen = this.handleOpen.bind(this);
    this.handleClose = this.handleClose.bind(this);

  state = {
    isOpen: false

  getChildContext() {
    return {
      modalOpen: this.state.isOpen

  handleClose() {
    if (this.state.isOpen) {
      this.setState({ isOpen: false });

  handleOpen() {
    if (!this.state.isOpen) {
      this.setState({ isOpen: true });

  render() {
    const { identity, children } = this.props;
    return children({
      [identity]: {
        open: this.handleOpen,
        close: this.handleClose,
        isOpen: this.state.isOpen

export default function modal(initialModalProps = {}) {
  return function(Component) {
    const componentName =
      Component.displayName || Component.name || "Component";

    return class extends React.Component {
      static displayName = `Modal(${componentName})`;

      static propTypes = {
        identity: PropTypes.string

      static defaultProps = {
        identity: "modal"

      render() {
        const { identity } = this.props;
        return (
            {modalProps => (
                {...omit(this.props, identity, "identity")}

HelloWorldModal.js HelloWorldModal.js

import React from "react";
import withModal, { Modal } from "./modal";

class HelloWorldModal extends React.Component {
  render() {
    const { modal } = this.props;
    return (
        <button type="button" onClick={modal.open}>
          Open Modal
        <button type="button" onClick={modal.close}>
          Close Modal
        <Modal>Yeah! I am sample modal!</Modal>

export default withModal()(HelloWorldModal);

In case you are lazy, I prepared a codesandbox with working code :) 如果你很懒,我准备了一个带有工作代码的codeandbox :)

https://codesandbox.io/s/2oxx2j4270?module=%2Fsrc%2FHelloWorldModal.js https://codesandbox.io/s/2oxx2j4270?module=%2Fsrc%2FHelloWorldModal.js

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