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[英]Pyomo optimal solution found but number of solutions 0 (hydropower simulation)

I am looking to simulate the hydropower generation in Norway, taking into account all the cascade dependencies (for an hourly resolution). 我希望模拟挪威的水力发电,并考虑到所有梯级依赖性(以小时为单位)。 To beginn with I have set up an optimisation problem in Pyomo for a set of three plants and three reservoirs for one day. 首先,我在Pyomo中设置了一个优化问题,针对一组三台工厂和三个水库进行了一天的优化。 For the moment I want to maximise profit over all hours and all plant/reservoirs calculated as: electricity price[$/MWh]*turbine output[MW]*3600[s=1h] + volume[m3]*energy equivalent[MWh/m3]*electricity price[$/MWh] 目前,我想在所有小时内最大化所有工厂/水库的利润,其计算方式如下: 电价[$ / MWh] *涡轮机输出[MW] * 3600 [s = 1h] +体积[m3] *能源当量[MWh / m3] *电价[$ / MWh]

My constraints are: 我的约束是:

Hourly load = generated power must equal load at each hour 每小时负载 = 每小时产生的功率必须等于负载

Water balance = storage levels updated properly at each timestep 水平衡 =在每个时间步均正确更新存储水平

Start and end storage levels = at 60% of max storage a beginning and end of simulation period (this is in the water balance constraint) 开始和结束存储水平 =模拟周期开始和结束时最大存储的60%(这在水平衡约束中)


1) why does the print statement print out 0.0 for cascade_inflow and discharged_flow: because this is printed while the model is created and not while solving it? 1)为什么print语句会为级联输入和排出流打印出0.0:因为在创建模型时而不是在求解模型时打印了该语句?

2A) Termination condition is optimal and I have a value for the objective function, but number of solutions is 0: I think the problem lies in the constraint water balance , I will post the results further down for 6 hours. 2A)终止条件是最佳的,我对目标函数有一个值,但是解的数量为0:我认为问题出在水平衡约束上,我将结果进一步向下发布6个小时。 Do I need to somehow set upper and lower bound contraints for the water balance ? 我是否需要以某种方式设置水平衡的上限和下限? edit : if I run the script from the command line with pyomo solve --solver=glpk script.py input.dat I get a solution displayed..?! 编辑 :如果我使用pyomo从命令行运行脚本, 则将--solver = glpk script.py input.dat显示为解决方案。

2B) The water constraint function does not behave properly. 2B)水约束功能无法正常运行。 If I look at the results then the jump in volume from time-step 1 to 2 is not feasible. 如果我看一下结果,那么从时间步骤1到2的音量跳跃是不可行的。 What is wrong there? 那里怎么了 Is the way I am adding the cascade flows incorrect, or does the variable m.volume just do what it wants? 我添加级联流的方式不正确,还是变量m.volume只是按其要求执行?

3) Might it be a better idea to create a network flow problem? 3)可能会产生一个网络流量问题更好的主意吗? There are example codes for these kinds of problems in the Pyomo Gallery . Pyomo Gallery中有针对此类问题的示例代码。 But I am not sure yet how to model the nodes as reservoirs. 但是我还不确定如何将节点建模为水库。 (I will most probably make a new post for this as soon as I have tried to implement a script). (一旦尝试实现脚本,我很可能为此发表新文章)。

4) (This is my first post: anything I did wrong or should do better next time?) 4)(这是我的第一篇文章:我做错了什么还是下次应该做得更好?)

Code (reading parameters left out) 代码 (读取遗漏的参数)

from pyomo.environ import *
from pyomo.opt import SolverFactory

opt = SolverFactory("glpk")

# Initiate model instance
m = AbstractModel()

# Define the variable power for each time step
m.turbine = Var(m.stage, m.res, initialize=0, bounds=turbine_bounds, within=NonNegativeReals)
# Define the variable volume for each time step
m.volume = Var(m.stage, m.res, initialize=volume_Init,  bounds=volume_bounds, within=NonNegativeReals)
# Define the variable spill flow for each time step
m.spilledFlow = Var(m.stage, m.res, initialize=0, bounds=spill_bounds, within=NonNegativeReals)

# Constrain total power generated over day
def hourly_load_rule(model, t):
    return model.P_load*model.hourly_demand[t] <= sum(model.turbine[t, res] for res in model.res) <= model.P_load*model.hourly_demand[t]
m.hourly_load = Constraint(m.stage, rule=hourly_load_rule)

# Water balance equation
def water_balance_rule(model, t, r):
    if t == model.T:  # final volume is same as initial volume at 60%
        return model.volume[t, r] == model.max_Vol[r]*0.6
    elif t > 1:
        cascade_inflow = 0
        for stor in model.res:
            # connectMat is a matrix that has a 1 where there is a connection and 0 where there is not
            cascade_inflow = cascade_inflow + model.connectMat[stor, r]*(model.turbine[t, stor]/model.slope[stor]+model.spilledFlow[t, stor])
            if model.connectMat[stor, r] == 1:
                print(stor, r, t, value(cascade_inflow))  # this always prints out 0.0 for cascade_inflow
         discharged_flow = model.turbine[t, r]/model.slope[r]  # model.turbine is in MW: divide by slope to get discharge flow [m3/s]
         print(value(discharged_flow))  # this always prints out 0.0
         return model.volume[t, r] == model.volume[t-1, r]+(cascade_inflow+model.inflow[t, r]-model.spilledFlow[t, r]-discharged_flow)*model.secPerTimeStep
        # start volume constrained to 60% of max volume
        return model.volume[t, r] == model.max_Vol[r]*0.6
m.water_balance = Constraint(m.stage, m.res, rule=water_balance_rule)

# Revenue = Objective function (sum over all hours and all plants/reservoirs)
def revenue_rule(model):
    return sum(sum(model.el_price[i]*model.turbine[i, j]*model.secPerTimeStep+model.volume[i, j]*model.energy_stored[j]*model.el_price[i] for i in model.stage) for j in model.res)
m.obj = Objective(rule=revenue_rule, sense=maximize)

instance = m.create("three_input_stack.dat")

results = opt.solve(instance)



Results 结果

(1, 2, 2, 0.0)
(2, 3, 2, 0.0)
(1, 2, 3, 0.0)
(2, 3, 3, 0.0)
(1, 2, 4, 0.0)
(2, 3, 4, 0.0)
(1, 2, 5, 0.0)
(2, 3, 5, 0.0)
Model unknown

    turbine : Size=18, Index=turbine_index
        Key    : Lower : Value          : Upper : Fixed : Stale : Domain
        (1, 1) :     0 :           3.31 :  3.31 : False : False : NonNegativeReals
        (1, 2) :     0 :           3.71 :   5.9 : False : False : NonNegativeReals
        (1, 3) :     0 :            0.0 :   9.0 : False : False : NonNegativeReals
        (2, 1) :     0 :            0.8 :  3.31 : False : False : NonNegativeReals
        (2, 2) :     0 :            5.9 :   5.9 : False : False : NonNegativeReals
        (2, 3) :     0 :            0.0 :   9.0 : False : False : NonNegativeReals
        (3, 1) :     0 :            0.0 :  3.31 : False : False : NonNegativeReals
        (3, 2) :     0 : 0.242202133966 :   5.9 : False : False : NonNegativeReals
        (3, 3) :     0 :  6.31779786603 :   9.0 : False : False : NonNegativeReals
        (4, 1) :     0 :            0.0 :  3.31 : False : False : NonNegativeReals
        (4, 2) :     0 :            0.0 :   5.9 : False : False : NonNegativeReals
        (4, 3) :     0 :            6.5 :   9.0 : False : False : NonNegativeReals
        (5, 1) :     0 :            0.0 :  3.31 : False : False : NonNegativeReals
        (5, 2) :     0 :         1.9665 :   5.9 : False : False : NonNegativeReals
        (5, 3) :     0 :         4.6535 :   9.0 : False : False : NonNegativeReals
        (6, 1) :     0 :           3.31 :  3.31 : False : False : NonNegativeReals
        (6, 2) :     0 :           3.83 :   5.9 : False : False : NonNegativeReals
        (6, 3) :     0 :            0.0 :   9.0 : False : False : NonNegativeReals
    volume : Size=18, Index=volume_index
        Key    : Lower : Value         : Upper      : Fixed : Stale : Domain
        (1, 1) :   0.0 :    39600000.0 : 66000000.0 : False : False : NonNegativeReals
        (1, 2) :   0.0 :    10020000.0 : 16700000.0 : False : False : NonNegativeReals
        (1, 3) :   0.0 :     1260000.0 :  2100000.0 : False : False : NonNegativeReals
        (2, 1) :   0.0 : 32149783.0468 : 66000000.0 : False : False : NonNegativeReals
        (2, 2) :   0.0 : 16684216.9532 : 16700000.0 : False : False : NonNegativeReals
        (2, 3) :   0.0 :     2100000.0 :  2100000.0 : False : False : NonNegativeReals
        (3, 1) :   0.0 : 32167783.0468 : 66000000.0 : False : False : NonNegativeReals
        (3, 2) :   0.0 :    16700000.0 : 16700000.0 : False : False : NonNegativeReals
        (3, 3) :   0.0 :     2100000.0 :  2100000.0 : False : False : NonNegativeReals
        (4, 1) :   0.0 : 32185783.0468 : 66000000.0 : False : False : NonNegativeReals
        (4, 2) :   0.0 :    16700000.0 : 16700000.0 : False : False : NonNegativeReals
        (4, 3) :   0.0 :     2100000.0 :  2100000.0 : False : False : NonNegativeReals
        (5, 1) :   0.0 : 32203783.0468 : 66000000.0 : False : False : NonNegativeReals
        (5, 2) :   0.0 :    16700000.0 : 16700000.0 : False : False : NonNegativeReals
        (5, 3) :   0.0 :     2100000.0 :  2100000.0 : False : False : NonNegativeReals
        (6, 1) :   0.0 :    39600000.0 : 66000000.0 : False : False : NonNegativeReals
        (6, 2) :   0.0 :    10020000.0 : 16700000.0 : False : False : NonNegativeReals
        (6, 3) :   0.0 :     1260000.0 :  2100000.0 : False : False : NonNegativeReals
    spilledFlow : Size=18, Index=spilledFlow_index
        Key    : Lower : Value         : Upper   : Fixed : Stale : Domain
        (1, 1) :   0.0 :             0 : 10000.0 : False :  True : NonNegativeReals
        (1, 2) :   0.0 :             0 : 10000.0 : False :  True : NonNegativeReals
        (1, 3) :   0.0 :             0 : 10000.0 : False :  True : NonNegativeReals
        (2, 1) :   0.0 : 2069.67087236 : 10000.0 : False : False : NonNegativeReals
        (2, 2) :   0.0 : 213.332062039 : 10000.0 : False : False : NonNegativeReals
        (2, 3) :   0.0 :           0.0 : 10000.0 : False : False : NonNegativeReals
        (3, 1) :   0.0 :           0.0 : 10000.0 : False : False : NonNegativeReals
        (3, 2) :   0.0 :           0.0 : 10000.0 : False : False : NonNegativeReals
        (3, 3) :   0.0 :           0.0 : 10000.0 : False : False : NonNegativeReals
        (4, 1) :   0.0 :           0.0 : 10000.0 : False : False : NonNegativeReals
        (4, 2) :   0.0 :           5.0 : 10000.0 : False : False : NonNegativeReals
        (4, 3) :   0.0 : 4.22222222222 : 10000.0 : False : False : NonNegativeReals
        (5, 1) :   0.0 :           0.0 : 10000.0 : False : False : NonNegativeReals
        (5, 2) :   0.0 :           0.0 : 10000.0 : False : False : NonNegativeReals
        (5, 3) :   0.0 : 5.86355555556 : 10000.0 : False : False : NonNegativeReals
        (6, 1) :   0.0 :             0 : 10000.0 : False :  True : NonNegativeReals
        (6, 2) :   0.0 :             0 : 10000.0 : False :  True : NonNegativeReals
        (6, 3) :   0.0 :             0 : 10000.0 : False :  True : NonNegativeReals

    obj : Size=1, Index=None, Active=True
        Key  : Active : Value
        None :   True : 39250323.6272

    hourly_load : Size=6
        Key : Lower : Body : Upper
          1 :  7.02 : 7.02 :  7.02
          2 :   6.7 :  6.7 :   6.7
          3 :  6.56 : 6.56 :  6.56
          4 :   6.5 :  6.5 :   6.5
          5 :  6.62 : 6.62 :  6.62
          6 :  7.14 : 7.14 :  7.14
    water_balance : Size=18
         Key    : Lower      : Body               : Upper
         (1, 1) : 39600000.0 :         39600000.0 : 39600000.0
         (1, 2) : 10020000.0 :         10020000.0 : 10020000.0
         (1, 3) :  1260000.0 :          1260000.0 :  1260000.0
         (2, 1) :        0.0 :  2.14204192162e-08 :        0.0
         (2, 2) :        0.0 : -2.23517417908e-08 :        0.0
         (2, 3) :        0.0 : -5.82076609135e-10 :        0.0
         (3, 1) :        0.0 :                0.0 :        0.0
         (3, 2) :        0.0 :  1.55250745593e-08 :        0.0
         (3, 3) :        0.0 : -7.13669123797e-09 :        0.0
         (4, 1) :        0.0 :                0.0 :        0.0
         (4, 2) :        0.0 : -7.35411731512e-11 :        0.0
         (4, 3) :        0.0 : -6.39488462184e-12 :        0.0
         (5, 1) :        0.0 :                0.0 :        0.0
         (5, 2) :        0.0 : -5.49960077478e-10 :        0.0
         (5, 3) :        0.0 : -1.79056769412e-10 :        0.0
         (6, 1) : 39600000.0 :         39600000.0 : 39600000.0
         (6, 2) : 10020000.0 :         10020000.0 : 10020000.0
         (6, 3) :  1260000.0 :          1260000.0 :  1260000.0
# ==========================================================
# = Solver Results                                         =
# ==========================================================
# ----------------------------------------------------------
#   Problem Information
# ----------------------------------------------------------
- Name: unknown
  Lower bound: 39250323.6272
  Upper bound: 39250323.6272
  Number of objectives: 1
  Number of constraints: 25
  Number of variables: 49
  Number of nonzeros: 89
  Sense: maximize
# ----------------------------------------------------------
#   Solver Information
# ----------------------------------------------------------
- Status: ok
  Termination condition: optimal
    Branch and bound: 
      Number of bounded subproblems: 0
      Number of created subproblems: 0
  Error rc: 0
  Time: 0.0750000476837
# ----------------------------------------------------------
#   Solution Information
# ----------------------------------------------------------
- number of solutions: 0
  number of solutions displayed: 0

Input File 输入文件

param secPerTimeStep:=3600;
param T:=6;
param numReservoirs:=3;
param connectMat:=
1   1   0
1   2   1
1   3   0
2   1   0
2   2   0
2   3   1
3   1   0
3   2   0
3   3   0;
param el_price:=
1   242.16
2   242.09
3   239.3
4   231.52
5   224.25
6   219.77;
param inflow:=
1   1   5
2   1   5
3   1   5
4   1   5
5   1   5
6   1   5
1   2   5
2   2   5
3   2   5
4   2   5
5   2   5
6   2   5
1   3   5
2   3   5
3   3   5
4   3   5
5   3   5
6   3   5;
param min_Vol:=
1   0.0
2   0.0
3   0.0;
param max_Vol:=
1   66000000.0
2   16700000.0
3   2100000.0;
param min_Turb_gen:=
1   0
2   0
3   0;
param max_Turb_gen:=
1   3.31
2   5.9
3   9.0;
param min_spill:=
1   0.0
2   0.0
3   0.0;
param max_spill:=
1   10000.0
2   10000.0
3   10000.0;
param min_discharge:=
1   0.0
2   0.0
3   0.0;
param max_discharge:=
1   20.0
2   15.0
3   8.0;
param slope:=
1   0.1655
2   0.3933
3   1.125;
param energy_stored:=
1   0.000046
2   0.000109
3   0.00031;
param hourly_demand:=
1   0.0351
2   0.0335
3   0.0328
4   0.0325
5   0.0331
6   0.0357;
param P_load:=200;

1) Zeros are always printed because m.tubine is initialized to 0. During model construction (which is when the print statements are executed) the expressions evaluate to 0. 1)总是打印零,因为m.tubine初始化为0。在模型构建过程中(即执行print语句时),表达式的计算结果为0。

2A) The result is automatically loaded back into the model after calling the solver, so the command instance.display() is printing the results. 2A)调用求解器后,结果将自动加载回模型中,因此命令instance.display()将打印结果。 The results object is only used if you want to delay loading the solutions (which is an option you can set when calling the solver). 仅当您要延迟加载解决方案时才使用results对象(这是您在调用求解器时可以设置的选项)。

2B) Not sure. 2B)不确定。 You can always run the command instance.water_balance.pprint() to confirm that the constraint expressions are what you expect them to be. 您始终可以运行命令instance.water_balance.pprint()来确认约束表达式是否符合您的期望。

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