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[英]What is the best way to schedule a task in gemstone?

My website runs on gemstone. 我的网站在宝石上运行。 To provide users with statistical data I need to run periodical tasks. 为了向用户提供统计数据,我需要运行定期任务。 How is this achieved best in gesmtone? 如何在gesmtone中获得最佳效果? From within gemstone or from the operating system? 从宝石内部还是从操作系统? And would be topaz the right way to go? 黄玉会是正确的路吗?

Using something like cron to fire up a topaz process is the right way to go. 使用cron之类的方法来启动黄玉工艺是正确的方法。

Make sure that you capture stdout of the topaz process and include the purpose and date in the name of the log file. 确保捕获了topaz进程的标准输出,并将目的和日期包括在日志文件的名称中。

If the frequency of the task is under say every 5 minutes, then firing up a 'permanent' topaz process (like the maintenance vm) sitting on a Delay is a good way to go. 如果任务频率每5分钟低于一次,则启动“ Persistent”黄玉色进程(例如维护vm)是一个不错的选择。

Some of our customers use CONTROL-M to launch topaz, which includes workflow in it's process scheduling. 我们的一些客户使用CONTROL-M启动了topaz,这在流程调度中包括了工作流。

Dale 戴尔

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