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[英]How to convert data frame in r from positive to negative

I would like to multiply my r dataframe with minus 1, in order to reverse the signs of all values (turn + to - and vice versa):我想将我的 r 数据帧乘以负 1,以反转所有值的符号(将 + 转为 -,反之亦然):

This does not work:这不起作用:

df_neg <- df*(-1)

Is there another way to do this?有没有另一种方法可以做到这一点?

Here'a a tidyverse way to alter only the numeric columns.这是一种仅更改数字列的 tidyverse 方法。


df_neg <- df %>% 
  mutate_if(is.numeric, funs(. * -1))

Assuming your data frame is all numeric, the code you posted should work.假设您的数据框都是数字,您发布的代码应该可以工作。 I'm going to assume you have some non-numeric values we need to work around我将假设您有一些我们需要解决的非数字值

# make a fresh copy
df_neg <- df

# now only apply this to the numeric values
df_neg[sapply(df_neg, is.numeric)] <- df_neg[sapply(df_neg, is.numeric)] * -1


data$negative = data$positive*(-1)

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