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[英]function as an argument of a function in R

I have this function which I have saved in the database. 我具有已保存在数据库中的此功能。

runifrect <- function(n,a,b,z,d) {

        else(print("Check if the x and y coordinates lie as such: 0<=a<b<=1 and 0<=z<d<=1"))}   

Now I am trying to define this function with the use of the old one: 现在,我尝试使用旧的方法来定义此功能:

plotrectpoints<- function(runifrect(n,a,b,z,d),a,b,z,d) {

However I am getting an error I dont understand what is wrong with the function, I want it to work for any arbitrary values n,a,b,z,d. 但是我遇到一个错误,我不明白该函数出了什么问题,我希望它对任意值n,a,b,z,d起作用。

When a function is defined in R it cannot evaluate the values in parenthesis. 当在R中定义一个函数时,它无法评估括号中的值。 It rather creates dummy objects which get the values when the function is called. 而是创建伪对象,该伪对象在调用函数时获取值。 These dummy object names follow the same rules that are applied to all variables names. 这些伪对象名称遵循应用于所有变量名称的相同规则。 Since you cannot have a variable name contained parenthesis, you cannot include it into the list of arguments when you define the function. 由于不能在括号中包含变量名,因此在定义函数时不能将其包括在参数列表中。

First function definition 第一功能定义

runifrect <- function(n,a,b,z,d) {
  if(a<1&a>=0&b>0&b<=1&z<1&z>=0&d<=1&d>0) {
    x <- runif(n,a,b)
    y <- runif(n,z,d)   
    matrix(k,nrow = n,ncol = 2)}  
  else(print("Check if the x and y coordinates lie as such: 0<=a<b<=1 and 0<=z<d<=1"))}  

Second function definition 第二功能定义

plotrectpoints<- function(x,a,b,z,d) {

       main = "Plot of rectangle and randomly generated points")   
  rect(a,z,b,d, border='red',lty='dotted')}

Call to the function 调用函数

plotrectpoints( runifrect(n,a,b,z,d), a,b,z,d)

This is my first answer on this platform. 这是我在该平台上的第一个答案。 Please bear with me. 请多多包涵。

If your end goal is to call the 'runifrect()' function from the 'plotrectpoints()' function, we can remove the 'runifrect(n,a,b,z,d)' parameter and replace that with 'n'. 如果您的最终目标是从“ plotrectpoints()”函数中调用“ runifrect()”函数,则可以删除“ runifrect(n,a,b,z,d)”参数,并将其替换为“ n”。 The code should look as follows: 该代码应如下所示:

    runifrect <- function(n,a,b,z,d) {
      if(a<1&a>=0&b>0&b<=1&z<1&z>=0&d<=1&d>0) {
        x <- runif(n,a,b)
        y <- runif(n,z,d)   
        matrix(k,nrow = n,ncol = 2)}  
      else(print("Check if the x and y coordinates lie as such: 0<=a<b<=1 and 0<=z<d<=1"))}  

    plotrectpoints<- function(n,a,b,z,d) {
           main = "Plot of rectangle and randomly generated points")   
      rect(a,z,b,d, border='red',lty='dotted')}

and I have used the following parameters to test. 并且我使用以下参数进行测试。


I have also attached the plot the above code generated. 我还附上了上面生成的代码图。 enter image description here Please let me know if the above code is what you are looking for. 在此处输入图片说明。如果上面的代码正是您要寻找的,请告诉我。

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