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[英]BST delete method doesn't delete the first node inserted

I can't figure this out... I can insert and sort items with no issue, I can delete nodes past the first insert, but on the special case that I'm trying to delete the first node inserted to start the tree, it doesn't do anything. 我无法弄清楚...我可以毫无问题地插入和排序项目,可以删除第一个插入之后的节点,但是在特殊情况下,我试图删除插入的第一个节点以启动树,它什么也没做。

I'm not understanding why this issue is happening, any help to figure out the logic is appreciated. 我不明白为什么会发生此问题,感谢您对找出逻辑的任何帮助。

Watered down version of my code the replicates the problem. 淡化我的代码版本可以解决问题。 https://pastebin.com/hxcqpG1U https://pastebin.com/hxcqpG1U

Here is my delete method: 这是我的删除方法:

    public void delete(KeyComp key) {
    delete(_root, key);

private Node delete(Node root, KeyComp key) {

    //empty tree
    if (root == null)
        return root;

    if (key.keyCompareTo(root.data) < 0)
        root.left = delete(root.left, key);
    else if (key.keyCompareTo(root.data) > 0)
        root.right = delete(root.right, key);

        // node with only one child or no child
        if (root.left == null)
            return root.right;
        else if (root.right == null)
            return root.left;

        // node with two children: Get the inorder successor (smallest
        // in the right subtree)
        root.data = getMin(root.right).data;

        // Delete the inorder successor
        root.right = delete(root.right, root.data);

    return root;

Assuming your tree does no balancing, the first node inserted will be the root node of the tree. 假设树没有平衡,则插入的第一个节点将是树的根节点。 Since your delete method operates by updating the in-tree references to point around the deleted node, trying to delete the root node won't do anything unless you also update the pointer to the root node. 由于您的delete方法通过更新树内引用以指向已删除节点周围来进行操作,因此尝试删除根节点不会做任何事情,除非您还更新了指向根节点的指针。

It's hard to tell from the code you've provided, but it seems likely that you need something like: 从提供的代码中很难看出来,但似乎您需要类似以下内容:

public void delete(KeyComp key) {
    _root = delete(_root, key);

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