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Facebook Graph API拒绝新创建的访问令牌

[英]Facebook Graph API rejects newly created access token

Earlier today, the Facebook login flow of our web application stopped working for some users. 今天早些时候,我们的Web应用程序的Facebook登录流程已停止为某些用户工作。 When we try to fetch the current profile, an error is returned. 当我们尝试获取当前配置文件时,会返回错误。 It claims that the access token we just generated by redirecting the user to the OAuth login flow has been rejected. 它声称我们刚刚通过将用户重定向到OAuth登录流程而生成的访问令牌已被拒绝。

The reason given is: 给出的理由是:

The access token is invalid since the user hasn't engaged the app in longer than 90 days 访问令牌无效,因为用户未在超过90天内使用该应用

To me, this makes no sense since we do not store the access token anywhere except for the current session and recreate it every time the user logs in with Facebook. 对我来说,这没有任何意义,因为我们不会将访问令牌存储在除当前会话之外的任何位置,并且每次用户使用Facebook登录时都会重新创建它。

The stacktrace from Spring Social for the GET /me call looks like this: 来自Spring Social的GET /me调用的栈跟踪如下所示:

ERR c.s.f.v.resource.AuthenticationResource Exception when connecting with Facebook
org.springframework.social.RevokedAuthorizationException: The authorization has been revoked. Reason: The access token is invalid since the user hasn't engaged the app in longer than 90 days.
        at org.springframework.social.facebook.api.impl.FacebookErrorHandler.handleFacebookError(FacebookErrorHandler.java:85)
        at org.springframework.social.facebook.api.impl.FacebookErrorHandler.handleError(FacebookErrorHandler.java:59)
        at org.springframework.web.client.ResponseErrorHandler.handleError(ResponseErrorHandler.java:63)
        at org.springframework.web.client.RestTemplate.handleResponse(RestTemplate.java:775)
        at org.springframework.web.client.RestTemplate.doExecute(RestTemplate.java:728)
        at org.springframework.web.client.RestTemplate.execute(RestTemplate.java:702)
        at org.springframework.web.client.RestTemplate.getForObject(RestTemplate.java:350)
        at org.springframework.social.facebook.api.impl.FacebookTemplate.fetchObject(FacebookTemplate.java:220)
        at org.springframework.social.facebook.api.impl.FacebookTemplate.fetchObject(FacebookTemplate.java:215)

The issue is probably related to changes in the Facebook API , but I do not see how this affects the short lived access tokens we create on every login. 问题可能与Facebook API的变化有关,但我不知道这会如何影响我们在每次登录时创建的短期访问令牌。

I ran into this issue when our integration tests logged in with a test user - the following JSON came back from the Graph API: 当我们的集成测试与测试用户一起登录时,我遇到了这个问题 - 以下JSON从Graph API返回:

    "error": {
        "message": "The access token is invalid since the user hasn't engaged the app in longer than 90 days.",
        "type": "OAuthException",
        "code": 190,
        "error_subcode": 493,
        "fbtrace_id": "F/1z2AsTRx8"
    "timestamp_microsecond": "2018-05-30 11:22:01.353949"

That was a bigger problem as our test users don't "engage" with the app as such. 这是一个更大的问题,因为我们的测试用户不会与应用程序“互动”。 To fix this I had to: 为了解决这个问题,我不得不:

  • Log into the FB developer site 登录FB开发者站点
  • Find the app in question 找到有问题的应用
  • Look under Roles -> Test Users to find the right user 在Roles - > Test Users下查找找到合适的用户
  • Click on the Edit button for the user and then click "Login as this test user" 单击该用户的“编辑”按钮,然后单击“以此测试用户身份登录”
  • Once I'd logged in, go to Settings -> Apps & Websites 登录后,请转到“设置” - >“应用和网站”
  • Find the App in the "Expired" tab for apps the user had not interacted with for longer than 90 days 在“已过期”标签中找到用户未与之互动的应用超过90天的应用
  • Click the "View & Edit" button on the expired app 点击已过期应用上的“查看和修改”按钮
  • Click "Renew Access" in the popup 单击弹出窗口中的“续订访问”

Once I'd done all those steps my test user (and integration tests) worked again. 一旦我完成了所有这些步骤,我的测试用户(和集成测试)再次工作。

facebook responses: Facebook回复:

Thanks for getting in touch. 感谢您的联系。 This is actually a known issue that we are already tracking in another bug report. 这实际上是我们已经在另一个错误报告中跟踪的已知问题。

I'm going to merge your report with the existing one, so we can deal with the issue in one place. 我要将您的报告与现有报告合并,因此我们可以在一个地方处理该问题。 Please refer to this thread for updates: http://developers.facebook.com/bugs/194772814474841/ 请参阅此主题以获取更新: http//developers.facebook.com/bugs/194772814474841/

My temporal solution was to use JS SDK, it is working correctly in my case... 我的时间解决方案是使用JS SDK,它在我的情况下正常工作...

Update : 更新

The issue seems to have just been fixed by Facebook. 这个问题似乎刚刚由Facebook修复。

I filed a bug with Facebook and they are currently (5/3/18) working on a resolution. Facebook 提交了一个错误 ,他们目前(5/3/18)致力于解决问题。

There are several workarounds suggested here and in the bug comments. 这里和bug评论中提出了几种解决方法。 To summarize: 总结一下:

  1. Add a new permission that you previously didn't ask for to force re-authorization 添加您之前未要求强制重新授权的新权限
  2. Catch the error and re-authorize the user manually via auth_type=reauthorize 捕获错误并通过auth_type=reauthorize手动重新授权用户
  3. Switch to JS SDK and use client-side login 切换到JS SDK并使用客户端登录

I'm going for solution #2 as it seems to be the most straight-forward way. 我正在寻找解决方案#2,因为它似乎是最直接的方式。

I have found this link in FB docs: Refreshing User Access Tokens 我在FB文档中找到了这个链接: 刷新用户访问令牌

Which mentions that after 90 days users must re-establish their token, so in case of such error we should just redirect the user to register again. 其中提到用户必须在90天后重新建立令牌,因此如果出现此类错误,我们应该重定向用户再次注册。

They even mention that they remove tokens of non-active users in the top of this doc. 他们甚至提到他们在本文档的顶部删除了非活跃用户的标记。 Maybe they did a mistake and removed all users tokens. 也许他们犯了一个错误并删除了所有用户令牌。 FB公告 Anyhow the solution is to redirect users to resubscribe. 无论如何,解决方案是重定向用户重新订阅。

The bug persist according to discussion 根据讨论,这个bug仍然存在

According to a user's comment of mentioned discussion, we revoked permissions of every user of our app and it worked. 根据用户对上述讨论的评论,我们撤销了我们应用的每个用户的权限,并且它有效。 For this we used next graph api endpoint . 为此我们使用了下一个图api 端点 We had to persist the users' facebookIDs. 我们必须坚持用户的facebookID。

Regards 问候

TEMPORARY SOLUTION For iOS you need to change SDKs code to support "reauthorize". 临时解决方案对于iOS,您需要更改SDK代码以支持“重新授权”。 In order to change source code you will need to download it using CocoaPods. 要更改源代码,您需要使用CocoaPods下载它。 Then copy the following functions over pods: https://github.com/mavris/FacebookFix 然后通过pod复制以下功能: https//github.com/mavris/FacebookFix

Add Permission Code in your App 在您的应用中添加权限代码

Likes 喜欢

Android : fbLoginButton.setReadPermissions(Arrays.asList(EMAIL)); Android:fbLoginButton.setReadPermissions(Arrays.asList(EMAIL));

IOS: loginButton.readPermissions = @[@"public_profile", @"email"]; IOS:loginButton.readPermissions = @ [@“public_profile”,@“email”];

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