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[英]How to split a value of a hashmap with freemarker?

I have a hash map as below : 我有一个哈希图,如下所示:

gfpFileBean.getChaines().put("IN-RDU", "GFPZ001Q;OK" );     
gfpFileBean.getChaines().put("IN-PLEIADES", "GFPZ003Q;OK" );

My Freemarker template is : 我的Freemarker模板是:

<#list gfpVb.chaines as key,value> 

I would like to know if it is possible to split the value of hashmap with freemarker, to display the value where I want it in the table. 我想知道是否可以用freemarker拆分hashmap的值,以在表中的所需位置显示该值。

You can split a value to a list of values with someValue?split(someSeparator) , so: 您可以使用someValue?split(someSeparator)将值拆分为值列表。

<#list gfpVb.chaines as key, value> 
  <#list value?split(';') as columnValue>

But it's generally better practice to ensure that the value is already split in the data-model. 但是,通常最好的做法是确保已在数据模型中拆分值。

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