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[英]Functions in Node.js modules

I can define a module in node.js: 我可以在node.js中定义一个模块:
mymodule.js mymodule.js

exports.bar = "Hello";
exports.foo = function(){

I can require the module: 我可以要求该模块:
app.js app.js

var baz = require("./mymodule.js");
baz.foo(); //Logs "Hello" in the console

If I call the foo function as above, it logs "Hello" in the console. 如果我按上述方式调用foo函数,它将在控制台中记录"Hello" However, the variable that foo is logging is exports.bar , not baz.bar . 然而,变量foo是日志记录exports.bar ,不baz.bar Does Node.js automatically know to switch them or the exports object still exists? Node.js是否自动知道要切换它们,还是exports对象仍然存在?

exports is a special object which is included in every JS file in the Node.js application by default. 默认情况下, exports是一个特殊对象,它包含在Node.js应用程序的每个JS文件中。

So anything you export in a file ( mymodule.js in your case) is a property on this object and when you require this module export object is assigned to the requiring object ( baz in your case). 因此,导出到文件中的所有内容(在您的情况下为mymodule.js )都是该对象的属性,当您require此模块时, export对象将分配给需要的对象(在您的情况下为baz )。

When you do 当你做

var baz = require("./mymodule.js");

Your baz variable now looks like something 您的baz变量现在看起来像

baz = {
    bar : "Hello",
    foo : () => {

And when you call baz.foo() you see "Hello" printed 当您调用baz.foo()您会看到"Hello"


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