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[英].eslintrc.js keys with “-” (dash)

eslint allows formats other than json, including .js if it exports as module. eslint允许使用除json以外的其他格式,如果以模块形式导出,则包括.js。 Unfortunately, the keys required by eslint include dashes like prefer-const below. 不幸的是,eslint所需的键包括以下破折号,如preferred-const。 Quoting is required. 需要报价。 This appears to work. 这似乎起作用。

But: Is there a workaround that allows the .js preferences to not require quotes? 但是:是否有一种解决方法,允许.js首选项不需要引号? Prettier, for example, allows camel case for .prettierrc.js. 例如,Prettier允许使用.prettierrc.js的驼峰式大小写。 That does not appear to work for eslint. 这似乎不适用于eslint。

module.exports = {
  env: {
    browser: true,
    es6:     true
  extends:  "standard",
  parserOptions: {
    sourceType: "module"
  rules: {
    curly: [ 0 ],
    "prefer-const": [ 2 ]

If it matters to you, I would go on and write a function to convert the key names from camel case to dash style. 如果对您来说很重要,我将继续编写一个函数以将键名从驼峰式转换为破折号样式。

I was able to come up with a proof-of-concept in a few lines, so that shouldn't be too much work. 我能够在几行中提出概念验证,因此这不会做太多工作。

function fromCamelCase(rules) {
  return Object.entries(rules).reduce(
    (obj, [key, value]) =>
      (obj[key.replace(/[A-Z]/, ch => `-${ch.toLowerCase()}`)] = value, obj),
    { }

module.exports = {
  env: {
    browser: true,
    es6:     true
  extends:  "standard",
  parserOptions: {
    sourceType: "module"
  rules: fromCamelCase({
    curly: [ 0 ],
    preferConst: [ 2 ]

If I'm reading the source code correctly, eslint doesn't allow aliasing rule names, so creating a custom plugin is not an option. 如果我正确地阅读了源代码 ,则eslint不允许使用别名规则名称,因此创建自定义插件不是一种选择。


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