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[英]How can i determine in which box i clicked?

First off i'm new to javascript and still learning its basics, i'm trying to determine in which box i clicked(canvas). 首先,我是javascript新手,并且仍在学习其基础知识,我试图确定我在哪个框中单击了(画布)。 My boxes are a list of dictionaries that look like this if we use console.log to visualize them, let's call that list labels : 我的盒子是一个字典列表,如果我们使用console.log可视化它们,则如下所示,我们将其称为列表labels


Here we can see we have 4 rectangles and their coordinates. 在这里,我们可以看到有4个矩形及其坐标。 The function i used to get mouse clicks is : 我用来获得鼠标点击的功能是:

canvas.addEventListener("contextmenu", getPosition, false);
function getPosition(event) {
  var x = event.x;
  var y = event.y;

  var canvas = document.getElementById("canvas");

  x -= canvas.offsetLeft;
  y -= canvas.offsetTop;

  console.log("x:" + x + " y:" + y);

The part where i'm struggling is to find out if where i clicked are inside any of the boxes and if the click is inside one i want the id. 我苦苦挣扎的部分是找出我单击的位置是否在任何框内,以及单击是否在我想要的ID内。

What i tried: 我试过的

I tried adding this after the console.log in the previous code snippet: 我尝试在之前的代码段中的console.log之后添加此代码:

for (i = 0,i < labels.length; i++) {
                if (x>labels[i].xMin) and (x<labels[i].xMax) and (y>labels[i].yMin) and (y<labels[i].yMax) {

but it didn't work 但这没用

The rects in Labels are all very far to the right, so probably you need to add the scroll position to the mouse position. 标签中的矩形都在最右边,因此可能需要将滚动位置添加到鼠标位置。

Made a working example (open the console to see the result): https://jsfiddle.net/dgw0sxu5/ 做了一个工作示例(打开控制台以查看结果): https : //jsfiddle.net/dgw0sxu5/

                background: #000;
                margin: 0

            //Some object which is used to return an id from a click
            //Added a fillStyle property for testing purposes
            var Labels = [

            //Initialisiing for the testcase
            window.onload = function(){
                //The canvas used for click events
                var tCanvas = document.body.appendChild(document.createElement('canvas'));
                tCanvas.width = 4956; //Highest xMax value from labels
                tCanvas.height = 157; //Highest yMax value from labels

                //The graphical object
                var tCTX = tCanvas.getContext('2d');

                //Drawing the background
                tCTX.fillStyle = '#fff';
                tCTX.fillRect(0, 0, tCanvas.width, tCanvas.height);

                //Drawing the rects for testing purposes
                //The rectangles are kinda far on the right side
                for(var i=0, j=Labels.length; i<j; i++){
                    tCTX.fillStyle = Labels[i].fillStyle;
                    tCTX.fillRect(+(Labels[i].xMin), +(Labels[i].yMin), +(Labels[i].xMax)-+(Labels[i].xMin), +(Labels[i].yMax)-+(Labels[i].yMin));

                tCanvas.onclick = function(event){
                    var tX = event.clientX - this.offsetLeft + (document.body.scrollLeft || document.documentElement.scrollLeft), //X-Position of click in canvas
                        tY = event.clientY - this.offsetTop + (document.body.scrollTop || document.documentElement.scrollTop), //Y-Position of click in canvas
                        tR = []; //All found id at that position (can be more in theory)

                    //Finding the Labels fitting the click to their bounds
                    for(var i=0, j=Labels.length; i<j; i++){
                        if(tX >= +(Labels[i].xMin) && tX <= +(Labels[i].xMax) && tY >= +(Labels[i].yMin) && +(tY) <= +(Labels[i].yMax)){

                        'Following ids found at the position @x. @y.: '
                            .replace('@x.', tX)
                            .replace('@y.', tY),
                        tR.join(', ')


First of all: what exactly did not work? 首先:到底什么没用?

var canvas = document.getElementById("canvas"); should be outside of your function to save performance at a second call. 应该在函数之外,以节省第二次调用的性能。

And getting coordinates is not complicated, but complex. 获取坐标并不复杂,但是很复杂。

There is a great resource on how to get the right ones: http://javascript.info/coordinates 关于如何获取正确的资源,有很多资源: http : //javascript.info/coordinates

Be sure about the offset measured relative to the parent element ( offsetParent and also your offsetLeft ), document upper left ( pageX ) or viewport upper left ( clientX ). 确保相对于父元素( offsetParent以及您的offsetLeft ),文档左上角( pageX )或视口左上角( clientX )测量的偏移量。

Your logic seems to be correct, you just need to fix the syntax. 您的逻辑似乎是正确的,您只需要修复语法。

for (i = 0; i < labels.length; i++) {
    if ((x>labels[i].xMin) && (x<labels[i].xMax) && (y>labels[i].yMin) && (y<labels[i].yMax)) {

Here is a complete example: 这是一个完整的示例:

labels = [

var canvas = document.getElementById("canvas");
canvas.addEventListener("contextmenu", getPosition, false);
function getPosition(event) {

  var x = event.clientX;
  var y = event.clientY;

  var label = labels.find(function(label){
     return (x>label.xMin) && (x<label.xMax) && (y>label.yMin) && (y<label.yMax)

     console.log("clicked label", label.id);
     console.log("no label was clicked");

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