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[英]export an array as table using jspdf

I have my data in below format. 我的数据格式如下。

    {"Company":"XYZ1", "FName":"John", "LName": "Deere", "ID": 1234}, 
    {"Company":"XYZ2", "FName":"Jack", "LName": "Jones", "ID": 2345},
    {"Company":"XYZ3", "FName":"James", "LName": "Lebron", "ID": 3456}

Is there a way to export the same data as 2 different tables into a PDF file ? 有没有一种方法可以将2个不同表中的相同数据导出到PDF文件中? I am using Angular 4 and jsPDF package. 我正在使用Angular 4和jsPDF包。

Table: 1 表格1

**Company**    **FName**
  XYZ1            John
  XYZ2            Jack
  XYZ3            James

Table: 2 表:2

**LName**    **ID**
  Deere        1234
  Jones        2345
  Lebron       3456

You can use jspdf and jspdf-autotable to download as pdf. 您可以使用jspdf和jspdf-autotable以pdf格式下载。 Here is the example for the same. 这是相同的示例。 You can modify according to your needs.. Hope it will help u 您可以根据自己的需要进行修改。希望对您有所帮助


<a (click)="convert()">Generate PDF</a>

In TS file: 在TS文件中:

import * as jsPDF from 'jspdf';
import 'jspdf-autotable';

And use the below function : 并使用以下功能:

convert() {

       var doc = new jsPDF();
       var col = ["Sr. No.","Details"];
       var col1 = ["Details", "Values"];
       var rows = [];
       var rows1 = [];

  /* The following array of object as response from the API req  */

var itemNew = [

  { index:'1',id: 'Case Number', name : '101111111' },
  { index:'2',id: 'Patient Name', name : 'UAT DR' },
  { index:'3',id: 'Hospital Name', name: 'Dr Abcd' }


   itemNew.forEach(element => {      
        var temp = [element.index,element.id];
        var temp1 = [element.id,element.name];


        doc.autoTable(col, rows, { startY: 10 });

        doc.autoTable(col1, rows1, { startY: 60 });

And it will look like as below: 它将如下所示:


Let me try to generalize the question and simplify the answer by taking an example, I will create a sample table 让我尝试通过举例来概括问题并简化答案,我将创建一个示例表

The HTML file looks like....
    <div id="render_me">
    <div id="table">
    <table id="StudentInfoListTable">
      <a href="#">Download Test PDF</a>

The JS file looks like... JS文件看起来像...

var doc = new jsPDF();

// We'll make our own renderer to skip this editor
var specialElementHandlers = {
    '#editor': function(element, renderer){
        return true;

doc.fromHTML($('#render_me').get(0), 15, 15, {
    'width': 170, 
    'elementHandlers': specialElementHandlers


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