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Google Cloud Project不会删除

[英]Google Cloud Project won't delete

I made a Google Cloud project to test a few things out. 我做了一个Google Cloud项目来测试一些事情。 The main one being DataPrep. 主要的是DataPrep。 Then I decided I'd do something else for a bit and tried to delete the project. 然后,我决定做点其他事情,然后尝试删除该项目。

I opened up the Google Cloud Shell and typed: 我打开了Google Cloud Shell,然后输入:

gcloud projects delete <project_name>

and then typed Y for Yes and now it is just hung there doing nothing at all. 然后输入Y代表“是”,现在它挂在那儿什么也没做。 It doesn't really matter I guess but it is annoying having an old project hanging around I can't get rid of. 我猜这并不重要,但是令人讨厌的是有一个旧项目无法解决。

I've tried with billing enabled and disabled but neither seem to make a difference. 我尝试启用和禁用结算功能,但两者似乎都没有什么不同。 I was using the shell from within the Console website by the way. 顺便说一下,我是从Console网站使用外壳程序的。

Does anyone have any idea why it is taking so long to delete this project? 有谁知道为什么要花这么长时间才能删除该项目?

I think you should follow these steps 我认为您应该按照以下步骤

To shut down a project using the Cloud Platform Console: 要使用Cloud Platform Console关闭项目:

Open the Settings page in the Google Cloud Platform Console. 在Google Cloud Platform控制台中打开“设置”页面。

Click Select a project. 单击选择项目。

Select a project you wish to delete and click Open. 选择您要删除的项目,然后单击“打开”。

Click Delete Project. 单击删除项目。

Enter the Project ID and click Shut down. 输入项目ID,然后单击“关闭”。

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