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[英]Passing value from select box as argument in React

I am creating a React app that needs to update the state and call an API based on the option a user selects from the Select Box. 我正在创建一个React应用程序,该应用程序需要更新状态并根据用户从“选择框”中选择的选项来调用API。 As I am unable to place the function call in the <option></option> tags I need to retrieve the value from the option tags when onChange is called. 由于无法将函数调用放在<option></option>标记中,因此需要在调用onChange时从option标记中检索value

I have created a selectValue value in the app state to update and have tried to emulate the solution in the below post. 我已经在应用程序状态中创建了一个selectValue值以进行更新,并尝试在下面的文章中模拟该解决方案。

Using Props And State To Pass Value Of Select Box To Child Component React.JS The issue I am having, however, is that I do not know how to select and pass the value from the selected option. 使用道具和状态将选择框的值传递给子组件React.JS但是,我遇到的问题是我不知道如何选择并从所选选项传递value

I have tested it by hardcoding a value to be passed by onHandleSelectValue in the ListBooks.js file. 我已经通过硬编码被路过的值测试它onHandleSelectValueListBooks.js文件。 When I do this the state updates as expected. 当我这样做时,状态会按预期更新。

App.js App.js

import React, { Component } from 'react'
import ListBooks from './ListBooks'
import * as BooksAPI from './utils/BooksAPI'
import { Route } from 'react-router-dom'

class BooksApp extends Component {
  state = {
    books: [],
    selectValue: 'wantToRead'

  componentDidMount() {
    .then((books) => {
      this.setState(() => ({

  updateShelf = (book) => {
    const shelf = this.state.selectValue
    this.state.books.forEach(b => {
      if(b.id === book.id) {
        console.log('Shelf: ' + this.state.selectValue)
        b.shelf = shelf
        this.setState((currentState) => ({
          books: currentState.books
    BooksAPI.update(book, shelf)

  handleSelectValue(option) {
    console.log('handleSelectValue: ' + option)
    this.setState((currentState) => ({
      selectValue: option
    console.log('handleSelectValue + selectValue: ' + option)

  render() {
    return (
        <Route exact path='/' render={() => (
        )} />
export default BooksApp

ListBooks.js ListBooks.js

import React, { Component } from 'react';
import PropTypes from 'prop-types'
import './App.css'

const shelves = [
    key: 'currentlyReading',
    name: 'Currently Reading'
    key: 'wantToRead',
    name: 'Want To Read'
    key: 'read',
    name: 'Read'
  // {
  //   key: '',
  //   name: 'None'
  // }

class ListBooks extends Component {

    static propTypes = {
       books: PropTypes.array.isRequired

    state = {
        showSearchPage: false,
        query: ''

    render() {

        const { books, onUpdateShelf, onHandleSelectValue } = this.props

        function getBooksForShelf(shelfKey) {
          return books.filter(book => book.shelf === shelfKey);


            <div className="app">
            {this.state.showSearchPage ? (
              <div className="search-books">
                <div className="search-books-bar">
                  <a className="close-search" onClick={() => this.setState({ showSearchPage: false })}>Close</a>
                  <div className="search-books-input-wrapper">
                      NOTES: The search from BooksAPI is limited to a particular set of search terms.
                      You can find these search terms here:
                      However, remember that the BooksAPI.search method DOES search by title or author. So, don't worry if
                      you don't find a specific author or title. Every search is limited by search terms.
                    <input type="text" placeholder="Search by title or author"/>
                <div className="search-books-results">
                  <ol className="books-grid"></ol>
            ) : (
              <div className="list-books">
                <div className="list-books-title">
                  <h1>My Reads</h1>
                <div className="list-books-content">
                    { shelves.map((shelf) => (
                      <div key={shelf.key} className="bookshelf">
                        <h2 className="bookshelf-title">{shelf.name}</h2>
                          <div className="bookshelf-books">
                            <ol className="books-grid">
                          { getBooksForShelf(shelf.key).map((book) => (
                            <div key={book.id} className="book">
                              <div className="book-top">
                               <div className="book-cover" style={{ width: 128, height: 193, backgroundImage: `url(${book.imageLinks.thumbnail})` }}></div>
                                <div className="book-shelf-changer"> 
                                 <select onChange={() => onUpdateShelf(book, onHandleSelectValue('read'))}>
                                  <option value="none" disabled >Move to...</option>
                                    <option value="currentlyReading" >Currently Reading</option>
                                    <option value="wantToRead" >Want to Read</option>
                                    <option value="read" >Read</option>
                                    <option value="none" >None</option>
                              <div className="book-title">{book.title}</div>
                             <div className="book-authors">{book.author}</div>
                    )) }
                <div className="open-search">
                  <a onClick={() => this.setState({ showSearchPage: true })}>Add a book</a>

export default ListBooks

So using suggestion provided by @Praveen Kumar. 因此,使用@Praveen Kumar提供的建议。

I removed the extra handlers and just changed the below line to pass the value from selected option as an argument. 我删除了多余的处理程序,只是更改了以下行以将来自选定选项的value作为参数传递。

<select onChange={(e) => onUpdateShelf(book, e.target.value)}>

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