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[英]Trying to run a ruby on rails test

    %th Registration NO.
    %th Name
    %th Tier
    %th Email
  - @accounts.each do |user|
    %tr{:onclick => "window.location='/accounts/#{user[:id]}';"}
      %td #{user.id}
      %td #{user.givenname}
      - if user.admin?
        %td Admin
      - elsif user.tech?
        %td Technician
      - else
        %td User
      %td #{user.email}

This is the code for page, so when you click on a row in the table table , then it should jump another page which is the details about this row. 这是页面的代码,因此当您单击表table中的一行时,它应该跳到另一页,这是有关该行的详细信息。 detail page And here are my test code. 详细页面这是我的测试代码。

require 'rails_helper'

RSpec.describe 'accounts' do

context :js => true do

before do
  @testAdmin = FactoryGirl.create(:admin)

describe 'Account Page can' do

  before do
    login_as(@testAdmin, :scope => :account)
    visit '/accounts'

  specify "visit account page" do
    page.find(:xpath, "//table/tbody/tr").click
    expect(page).to have_content 'Account: testAdmin'




When I run and printed out the page, it appears it's still on the table page, which means it does not jumped to the details page. 当我运行并打印出页面时,它似乎仍在表格页面上,这意味着它没有跳到详细信息页面。

As pointed out by @Daniel, your context line doesn't have any description text in it. 正如@Daniel指出的那样,您的context行中没有任何描述文字。 This means :js => true will be taken as the name of the context block and not used as metadata to switch to the JS capable driver. 这意味着:js => true将用作上下文块的名称,而不用作切换到支持JS的驱动程序的元数据。 This should have been noticeable from the name of the failed test which would have been something like accounts {:js=>true} Account Page can visit account page . 从失败测试的名称中应该可以注意到这一点,例如accounts {:js=>true} Account Page can visit account page To fix you should just need to include descriptive text in the context call 要解决此问题,您只需要在context调用中包含描述性文本

context "something", js: true

or just dump the context block and apply the metadata to whichever of the other blocks makes sense 或仅转储上下文块并将元数据应用于其他任何有意义的块

describe 'Account Page can', js: true do

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