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[英]active_model_serializers, includes, and why a serializer is querying data?

When working with API, I am used to: 使用API​​时,我习惯于:

  1. execute some DB queries 执行一些数据库查询
  2. select the data I want in my response 选择我要在回复中提供的数据
  3. serialize the data, and send it to the client 序列化数据,并将其发送给客户端

Now , using active_model_serializers , I was assuming that in 现在 ,使用active_model_serializers ,我假设

render json: artist, include: 'tracks'

the include: 'tracks' part would serialize tracks , if my artist had some tracks. include: 'tracks'部分将序列化tracks (如果我的艺术家有曲目)。

But apparently, it will also fetch the tracks from the db for me. 但显然,它也将为我从数据库中获取曲目。

Is it a normal behaviour ? 这是正常现象吗? Is the serializer supposed to make db queries ? 序列化程序是否应该进行数据库查询?

Yes, to include a association it first has to be fetched from the database. 是的,要包含一个关联,首先必须从数据库中获取它。 Otherwise how can it be included in the response? 否则如何将其包含在响应中?

See the json serializer documentation . 请参阅json序列化器文档

The association is called by it's corresponding method. 关联是通过其相应的方法调用的。 In your example that would be Artist#tracks . 在您的示例中,将是Artist#tracks (See the source code .) This means that if you load the association before calling the serializer it will not call the database. (请参阅源代码 。) 这意味着,如果在调用序列化程序之前加载了关联,则不会调用数据库。

Example: 例:

artist = Artist.first # <= artists table gets queried
artist.tracks.load # <= tracks table gets queried
render json: artist, include: :tracks # <= no queries

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