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[英]Display URL in Lower Case in Django

My model has a category for a retailer--example - "Walmart" 我的模型为零售商指定了一个类别-例如-“沃尔玛”

All of the retailers in my database have been entered with the first letter capitalized. 我数据库中的所有零售商均已输入首字母大写。

I am trying to show a list of products by retailer on my site. 我试图在我的网站上显示零售商的产品列表。

My url looks like so: 我的网址看起来像这样:

path('retailer-deals/<str:retailer>', deals_by_retailer, name='retailer'),

and my view looks like this: 我的看法如下所示:

def deals_by_retailer(request,retailer):
    retailer_deals = Deal.objects.filter(retailer__company=retailer).order_by('expired','-date_added')
    retailer = retailer
    return render(request, 'deals/deal_by_retailer.html', {'retailer_deals': retailer_deals, 'retailer': retailer})

So if i go to retailer-deals/walmart nothing shows up... 因此,如果我去retailer-deals/walmart什么也没有出现...

but of course retailer-deals/Walmart works fine 但是当然, retailer-deals/Walmart工作正常

i might be being nitpicky--but i think it looks more professional with the lower case walmart and just in case someone goes to enter the uppercase version, i want to make sure it populates correctly 我可能很挑剔-但我认为小写的walmart看起来更专业,以防万一有人输入大写的版本,我想确保它能正确填充

I did see someone mention a (?i) for a similar problem, 我确实看到有人提到(?i)类似问题,

and i tried changing my path to this: 我试图改变我的道路:

path('(?i)retailer-deals/<str:retailer>', deals_by_retailer, name='retailer'),

but that doesn't seem to work....and also, if i go to list the retailers with associated links--the generated url will still have the uppercase url.. 但这似乎不起作用....而且,如果我用相关链接列出零售商,则生成的url仍将包含大写url。

You can use iexact in your filter, A case-insensitive exact match. 您可以在过滤器中使用iexact ,不区分大小写的完全匹配。

retailer_deals = Deal.objects.filter(

As many of other people suggest, the best way is to do such query with slug, so you would have: 正如其他许多人所建议的那样,最好的方法是使用slug进行此类查询,因此您将:

from django.template.defaultfilters import slugify
import uuid 
class YourModel(mdoels):
     slug = models.SlugField()
     name = models.CharField(max_mength=100)

     # override the save method to have slug automatically generated
     def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
         if self.pk is None:
             slug = slugify(self.name)
             while self.__class__.objects.filter(slug=slug).exists():
                  slug = "%s-%s" % (slug,str(uuid.uuid4())[:5])
             self.slug = slug
         super(YourModel, self).save(*args, **kwargs)

your url would become: 您的网址将变为:

path('retailer-deals/<slug:slug>', deals_by_retailer, name='retailer'),

and your views: 和您的意见:

def deals_by_retailer(request,slug):
    retailer_deals = Deal.objects.filter(retailer__slug=slug)
    ''' codes '''

I'm going to answer your question indirectly because I think doing an iexact filter in your routes is a code smell. 我将间接回答您的问题,因为我认为在路由中执行iexact过滤器会产生代码异味。 It also opens you up to people typing paths like retailer-deals/WaLmArT which would then break if you switched to a setup with slugs down the road for simplicity. 它还为您打开了键入retailer-deals/WaLmArT类的路径的retailer-deals/WaLmArT ,如果您切换到一条retailer-deals/WaLmArT的安装程序(为简单起见),该路径就会中断。

The best practice is to use slugs to define URLs for longevity. 最佳做法是使用段来定义URL以延长使用寿命。 Things like spaces, punctuation, and non-ASCII character encoding used in names can make for ugly or invalid URLs. 名称中使用空格,标点符号和非ASCII字符编码之类的内容可能会造成难看或无效的URL。

You can use a slug in urlpatterns like: 您可以在urlpatterns使用slug:

from django.urls import path

from . import views

urlpatterns = [
    path('widgets/<slug:slug>/', views.foo),

There's more info in the docs for this example. 在此示例的文档中有更多信息。

Django has a built-in SlugField model field for this use case. Django在此用例中具有内置的SlugField模型字段。 You can also prepopulate it in the Django admin from another field such as title. 您还可以在Django管理员中从另一个字段(例如title) 预填充它

class WidgetAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
    prepopulated_fields = {"slug": ("title",)}

Your path is find. 找到你的路。

path('retailer-deals/<str:retailer>', deals_by_retailer, name='retailer'),

your <str:retailer> is some arguments that your request get. 您的<str:retailer>是您的请求得到的一些参数。

It means it's not fix one. 这意味着它不是固定的。 You can attach anything you want - like pk , slug , title , uuid and so on. 您可以附加任何想要的东西-如pkslugtitleuuid等等。

So In your situation, if you want to use lowercase in your url, you can add your own slug to your model, and pass it to your url. 因此,根据您的情况,如果要在URL中使用小写字母,可以将自己的Slug添加到模型中,并将其传递给URL。


Your urls will be 您的网址将是

path('retailer-deals/<str:slug>', deals_by_retailer, name='retailer'),

And your views will be 您的意见将是

def deals_by_retailer(request,slug):
    retailer_deals = Deal.objects.filter(retailer__slug=slug).order_by('expired','-date_added')
    retailer = retailer
    return render(request, 'deals/deal_by_retailer.html', {'retailer_deals': retailer_deals, 'retailer': retailer})

Also you have to add slug to your model 另外,您还必须向模型添加块

# maybe your Retailer model
    slug = models.CharField(

    # You can save slug automaticall when saving 
    # using __save__ or signals

Using slug in url is good way for many reasons (url not support white space, and many other chars, but your company fields can get them). 出于多种原因,在url中使用slug是一种好方法(url不支持空格和许多其他字符,但是您company字段可以获取它们)。 So you can make slug from your company - unique and well-fit to url. 因此,您可以从您的公司中获得产品-独特且非常适合url。

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