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Apps 脚本中的 Google Maps API 不断失败

[英]Google Maps API In Apps Script Keeps Failing

I'm using google apps script to code a distance finder for Google Maps.我正在使用谷歌应用程序脚本为谷歌地图编写测距仪。 I've found examples of such, but they keep failing, so I thought I'd code my own.我找到了这样的例子,但它们一直失败,所以我想我会自己编写代码。 Sadly, this is failing with the same error:可悲的是,这失败了,并出现了同样的错误:

TypeError: Cannot read property "legs" from undefined. (line 16).

It seems to be that it's sometimes working, and sometimes not.似乎它有时有效,有时无效。 I have a few (3) places in my sheet that are calling the same functions, and at times one or more will return a valid response.我的工作表中有几 (3) 个地方正在调用相同的函数,有时一个或多个将返回有效响应。

I saw elsewhere that people were suggesting using an API key to make sure that you get a good response, so that's what I've implemented below.我在其他地方看到人们建议使用 API 密钥来确保您得到良好的响应,所以这就是我在下面实现的。 (api keys redacted! is there a good way to tell if they've been recognised?) (api 键已编辑!有没有什么好方法可以判断它们是否已被识别?)

Any ideas what might be going awry?!任何想法可能会出错?!

Thanks in advance,提前致谢,


function mikeDistance(start, end){
  start = "CV4 8DJ";
  end = "cv4 9FE";

  var maps = Maps;
  maps.setAuthentication("#####", "#####");
  var dirFind = maps.newDirectionFinder();

  var directions = dirFind.getDirections();
  var rawDistance = directions["routes"][0]["legs"][0]["distance"]["value"];
  var distance = rawDistance/1609.34;
  return distance;

Here's my short term solution while the issue is being fixed.这是我在解决问题时的短期解决方案。

Not ideal, but at least reduces using your API limit as much as possible.不理想,但至少尽可能减少使用您的 API 限制。

function getDistance(start, end) {

 return hackyHack(start, end, 0);

function hackyHack(start, end, level) {
  if (level > 5) {
    return "Error :(";
  var directions = Maps.newDirectionFinder()
  var route = directions.routes[0];

  if (!route) return hackyHack(start, end, level+1); // Hacky McHackHack

  var distance = route.legs[0].distance.text;
  // var time = route.legs[0].duration.text;
  return distance;

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