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[英]React and Redux: Are there any performance issues/possible side effects with passing a parent component as a prop to its children

I'm reviewing some code in a React-Redux codebase, and there are quite a few cases where a parent smart component is being passed as a prop to a child component: 我正在查看React-Redux代码库中的一些代码,在很多情况下,将父智能组件作为道具传递给子组件:

import React from 'react';
import Child from '../components/Child';

export default class Parent extends React.Component {
    constructor(props) {

    render() {
        return <Child parent={this}/>;

At initial glance, it appears that the intention here is to expose the props/state/methods of the parent to the child component. 乍看之下,这里的意图似乎是将父级的道具/状态/方法暴露给子级组件。 This sort of goes against many of the design patterns I've used in the past with React, but I'm not sure if it's something that is worth bringing up in a code review (it's already deployed to QA). 这种情况与我过去在React中使用的许多设计模式背道而驰,但是我不确定是否值得在代码审查中提出(已经部署到QA中)。 It technically works (the child is able to call this.props.parent[method], etc) and significantly reduces the lines of code otherwise required if you pass individual handlers/slices of props/(local)state to the child. 从技术上讲,它可以正常工作(孩子可以调用this.props.parent [method]等),并且如果您将单独的处理程序/ slice片段/(本地)状态传递给孩子,则可以大大减少否则需要的代码行。 I know there are downsides (in one case, the parent property shared the same name as a reducer, so in the child component, it is unclear if this.props['reducerName'] is referring to a React Component or a mapped slice of state), but I can't be sure that the downsides are anything more than surface level. 我知道有缺点(在一种情况下,父属性与减速器共享相同的名称,因此在子组件中,尚不清楚this.props ['reducerName']是指React组件还是映射的切片。状态),但我无法确定缺点是否只是表面水平。

Does something like this run the risk of unnecessary rerenders/diff checks in the child component? 这样的事情冒着在子组件中进行不必要的重新渲染/差异检查的风险吗? Does React ever need to recursively serialize components, and thus incur a lot of overhead because of circular references? React是否需要递归地序列化组件,从而由于循环引用而导致大量的开销? Anything I can point out besides I don't think it looks right? 除了我认为不正确之外,我还能指出什么吗?

There are a few things I can think of why this might not be a good Idea: 我可以想到几件事,为什么这可能不是一个好主意:

  • This creates a very tight coupling between the parent and the component. 这在父级和组件之间创建了非常紧密的耦合。 Further, we should try to provide the minimum amount of data to the abstract modules. 此外,我们应该尝试向抽象模块提供最少的数据量。 We call it Principle of least privilege . 我们称之为最小特权原则 Here, a lot of information is being passed to the child component which will not be used and can even be abused using a lot of ways. 在这里,许多信息将传递给子组件,这些信息将不会被使用,甚至可能通过多种方式被滥用。
  • One case where it can be very bad idea is when the child component changes something on the date object: eg : 一种可能非常不好的主意是子组件更改日期对象上的某些内容:例如:

     render() { return ( <React.Fragment> <ChildOne parent={this}/>; <ChildTwo parent={this}/>; </React.Fragment> ) } 

    Now the ChildOne component can do something like : 现在, ChildOne组件可以执行以下操作:

this.props.parent.clickHandler = this.anotherHandler

This will break ChildTwo functionality. 这将破坏ChildTwo功能。

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