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[英]“Expand” pandas dataframe by values in column

Lets say I start with a dataframe that has some data and a column of quantities: 假设我从一个包含一些数据和一列数量的数据框开始:

In:  df=pd.DataFrame({'first-name':['Jan','Leilani'],'Qty':[2,4]})

Out: Qty    first-name
     2      Jan
     4      Leilani

I want to create a dataframe that copies and labels the data into new lines a number of times equal to the quantity on each line. 我想创建一个数据帧,将数据复制并标记为新行,其次数等于每行的数量。 Here is what the output should look like: 这是输出应该是什么样子:

Qty     first-name  position
2       Jan         1
2       Jan         2
4       Leilani     1
4       Leilani     2
4       Leilani     3
4       Leilani     4

I can do this using python like so: 我可以使用python这样做:


for idx in df.index:
    for _ in range(df.loc[idx]['Qty']):


This is very slow. 这很慢。 Is there a way to do this using pandas functions? 有没有办法使用pandas功能? This is effectively an "unpivot", which in pandas is "melt", but I wasn't able to figure out how to use the melt function to accomplish this. 这实际上是一个“不透明”,在熊猫中是“融化”,但我无法弄清楚如何使用融化功能来实现这一目标。

Thanks, 谢谢,

With repeat and cumcount 随着repeatcumcount

   Qty first-name position
0    2        jan        1
0    2        jan        2
1    4        jay        1
1    4        jay        2
1    4        jay        3
1    4        jay        4

This uses almost identical concepts as Wen. 这使用了与文几乎完全相同的概念。

The differences are: 不同之处是:

  1. loc instead of reindex (same thing) loc而不是reindex (同样的事情)
  2. assign instead of = assignment ( assign produces a copy) assign而不是=赋值( assign生成副本)
  3. Pass a lambda to assign to embed groupby logic 传递一个lambdaassign嵌入groupby逻辑

    position=lambda d: d.groupby('first-name').cumcount() + 1

   Qty first-name  position
0    2        jan         1
0    2        jan         2
1    4        jay         1
1    4        jay         2
1    4        jay         3
1    4        jay         4

Construct with np.arange 使用np.arange

q = df.Qty.values
r = np.arange(q.sum()) - np.append(0, q[:-1]).cumsum().repeat(q) + 1

   Qty first-name  position
0    2        jan         1
0    2        jan         2
1    4        jay         1
1    4        jay         2
1    4        jay         3
1    4        jay         4

Here is an intuitive way using numpy.repeat and itertools.chain . 这是使用numpy.repeatitertools.chain的直观方式。

For larger dataframes, this is likely to be more efficient than a pandorable method. 对于较大的数据帧,这可能比可pandorable方法更有效。

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from itertools import chain

df = pd.DataFrame({'first-name':['jan','jay'],'Qty':[2,4]})

lens = df['Qty'].values

res = pd.DataFrame({'Qty': np.repeat(df['Qty'], lens),
                    'first-name': np.repeat(df['first-name'], lens),
                    'Count': list(chain.from_iterable(range(1, i+1) for i in lens))})


   Count  Qty first-name
0      1    2        jan
0      2    2        jan
1      1    4        jay
1      2    4        jay
1      3    4        jay
1      4    4        jay

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