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[英]Stargazer Title Not Showing (Non-reproducible Error)

WARNING: I was not able to reproduce the error in a separate R/RStudio session, so I am hoping just to get some leads on trouble shooting my current .rmd script. 警告:我无法在单独的R / RStudio会话中重现该错误,因此我希望能在解决当前.rmd脚本问题时获得一些.rmd

The Problem 问题

All of a sudden, the stargazer title argument seemed to stop working. 突然之间,观星人的称号争论似乎停止了。 No matter what the title was or where I placed the argument within the function, it does not seem to work. 无论标题是什么,或者我在函数中的位置如何,它似乎都不起作用。

Additionally, and maybe related, I started getting this warning message: 此外,也许与此相关,我开始收到以下警告消息:

the condition has length > 1 and only the first element will be used

Background 背景

After @hpesoj626 helped me answer this question , the titles disappeared from my tables. 在@ hpesoj626帮助我回答了这个问题之后 ,标题从我的表中消失了。 Though not explicitly set in that example, stargazer 's / LaTeX 's default title was still being shown. 尽管在该示例中未明确设置,但stargazer的/ LaTeX的默认标题仍在显示。 After using the solution in that post, the titles disappeared. 在该帖子中使用了解决方案后,标题消失了。

I wanted to add a customized title to the tables by using the title = "" argument. 我想通过使用title = ""参数向表中添加自定义标题。 This doesn't seem to help. 这似乎没有帮助。

Attempts 尝试次数

  • I have tried using other character vector arguments to see if they work, like dep.var.labels = c() , and everything seems to work just fine. 我尝试使用其他字符向量参数来查看它们是否起作用,例如dep.var.labels = c() ,并且一切似乎都可以正常工作。
  • I have tried reinstalling and updating the stargazer package. 我尝试重新安装和更新stargazer软件包。
  • I have tried removing all other arguments besides ... and title = "" 我试过删除...title = ""以外的所有其他参数
  • I tried different chunk options. 我尝试了不同的块选项。 ( results='asis' , echo=FALSE , etc.) results='asis'echo=FALSE等)
  • I have tried to restart R / Rstudio every way I know how 我试图以各种方式重启R / Rstudio
  • I have tried copying and pasting the .rmd file code to a completely separate script. 我尝试将.rmd文件代码复制并粘贴到完全独立的脚本中。
  • I was not able to find similar problems on SO. 我无法在SO上找到类似的问题。

As you will see in the below section, I have other packages loaded via namespace since I am loading .rda objects into my session using load() . 正如您将在下一节中看到的那样,由于要使用load().rda对象加载到会话中,因此我还通过命名空间加载了其他软件包。 I am loading glm() objects and ggplot() objects into my R/Rstudio session. 我正在将glm()对象和ggplot()对象加载到我的R / Rstudio会话中。 Even when doing this in the example session, I have not able to reproduce the error. 即使在示例会话中执行此操作,我也无法重现该错误。

Differences Between Linked Reproducible example and Actual Session 链接的可复制示例与实际会话之间的差异

The only differences I can see between my example data and my actual data is that the generated LaTeX code for my actual data is missing this: 我可以看到的示例数据和实际数据之间的唯一区别是,为我的实际数据生成的LaTeX代码缺少以下内容:

\begin{table}[!htbp] \centering 

My actual data contains this: 我的实际数据包含以下内容:

the condition has length > 1 and only the first element will be used

And my actual sessionInfo() has a few more packages loaded via namespace: 我实际的sessionInfo()还有一些通过名称空间加载的软件包:

R version 3.4.4 (2018-03-15)
Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit)
Running under: Windows >= 8 x64 (build 9200)

Matrix products: default

[1] LC_COLLATE=English_United States.1252  LC_CTYPE=English_United States.1252    LC_MONETARY=English_United States.1252 LC_NUMERIC=C                          
[5] LC_TIME=English_United States.1252    

attached base packages:
[1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base     

other attached packages:
[1] stargazer_5.2.1

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
 [1] Rcpp_0.12.16      digest_0.6.15     grid_3.4.4        plyr_1.8.4        gtable_0.2.0      scales_0.5.0.9000 ggplot2_2.2.1     pillar_1.2.1      rlang_0.2.0.9001 
[10] lazyeval_0.2.1    labeling_0.3      tools_3.4.4       munsell_0.4.3     yaml_2.1.19       compiler_3.4.4    colorspace_1.3-2  knitr_1.20        tibble_1.4.2    

Do some of the packages loaded via namespace conflict with stargazer , LaTeX , or other packages? 通过命名空间加载的某些软件包是否与stargazerLaTeX或其他软件包冲突?

Thanks 谢谢

I know I wasn't able to provide the most information, given I wasn't able to reproduce the error myself, but I do appreciate any insight you might have on trouble shooting the problem. 考虑到我自己无法重现该错误,我知道我无法提供最多的信息,但是对于您在解决问题时可能遇到的任何见解,我深表感谢。 If you are able to provide some guidance, thank you. 如果您能够提供一些指导,则谢谢。

After lots of trial and error, I was able to figure out a solution. 经过大量的反复试验,我终于找到了解决方案。

I had not realized this, but including float = FALSE in the stargazer() function, removes this part of the generated LaTeX code: 我没有意识到这一点,但是在stargazer()函数中包含float = FALSE会删除生成的LaTeX代码的这一部分:

\begin{table}[!htbp] \centering 

Which is where the title would go. 标题会去哪儿。 But without using the float = FALSE , I wouldn't be able to position my tables where I wanted. 但是如果不使用float = FALSE ,我将无法将表放置在所需的位置。 And table.placement = "htbp" or any combination of those letters didn't position the tables properly and table.placement = "H" threw an error. 并且table.placement = "htbp"或这些字母的任何组合都无法正确定位表,并且table.placement = "H"引发了错误。

Thanks to this post , I was able to put the following code in my YAML header and use table.placement = "H" and keep float = TRUE : 感谢这篇文章 ,我能够将以下代码放入YAML标头中,并使用table.placement = "H"并保持float = TRUE

title: "Title"
author: "Name"
output: pdf_document
fig.caption: yes
keep_tex: yes
header-includes: \usepackage{float}

Which places my tables in the appropriate place AND allows me to put titles on the tables. 将我的桌子放置在适当的位置,并允许我在桌子上放置标题。

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