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[英]How to use FluentMigrator.Runner for selected type of database only

Currently when I add FluentMigrator.Runner nuget package into c# project it automatically installs all other related nuget packages: FluentMigrator.Runner.Db2 , FluentMigrator.Runner.Firebird , etc. 目前,当我将FluentMigrator.Runner nuget包添加到c#项目中时,它会自动安装所有其他相关的nuget包: FluentMigrator.Runner.Db2FluentMigrator.Runner.Firebird等。

But I only need SqlServer support. 但我只需要SqlServer支持。 I can't uninstall all this secondary packages because FluentMigrator.Runner depends on them. 我无法卸载所有这些辅助包,因为FluentMigrator.Runner依赖于它们。

If I force remove references I just got runtime errors: 如果我强制删除引用,我只会遇到运行时错误:

Could not load file or assembly 'FluentMigrator.Runner.Db2, Version=, 
Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=aacfc7de5acabf05' or one of its dependencies. 
The system cannot find the file specified.

This makes my c# project to reference a lot of useless dlls. 这使我的c#项目引用了很多无用的dll。 Especially Sql Server Ce native files. 特别是Sql Server Ce本机文件。 Is there a way to get rid of Db2, Firebird and other implementations if I only need SqlServer? 如果我只需要SqlServer,有没有办法摆脱Db2,Firebird和其他实现?

I use Fluent Migrator version 3 and .Net 4.7.1 我使用Fluent Migrator版本3和.Net 4.7.1

Here is a workaround to this problem: 以下是此问题的解决方法:

  1. Remove project references to the other database runners; 删除对其他数据库运行程序的项目引用;
  2. Remove entries for the other database runners in the "packages.config" file; 删除“packages.config”文件中其他数据库运行程序的条目;
  3. Delete all files for the other database runners in the "packages" folder for the solution; 删除解决方案的“packages”文件夹中其他数据库运行程序的所有文件;
  4. Remove these lines from the .csproj file with Notepad: 使用记事本从.csproj文件中删除这些行:

 <Import Project="..\\packages\\FluentMigrator.Runner.SqlServerCe.3.1.3\\build\\netstandard2.0\\FluentMigrator.Runner.SqlServerCe.targets" Condition="Exists('..\\packages\\FluentMigrator.Runner.SqlServerCe.3.1.3\\build\\netstandard2.0\\FluentMigrator.Runner.SqlServerCe.targets')" /> <Target Name="EnsureNuGetPackageBuildImports" BeforeTargets="PrepareForBuild"> <PropertyGroup> <ErrorText>This project references NuGet package(s) that are missing on this computer. Use NuGet Package Restore to download them. For more information, see http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=322105. The missing file is {0}.</ErrorText> </PropertyGroup> <Error Condition="!Exists('..\\packages\\FluentMigrator.Runner.SqlServerCe.3.1.3\\build\\netstandard2.0\\FluentMigrator.Runner.SqlServerCe.targets')" Text="$([System.String]::Format('$(ErrorText)', '..\\packages\\FluentMigrator.Runner.SqlServerCe.3.1.3\\build\\netstandard2.0\\FluentMigrator.Runner.SqlServerCe.targets'))" /> </Target> 

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