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Azure Cosmos DB SQL-如何对内部json属性进行转义

[英]Azure Cosmos DB SQL - how to unescape inner json property

Okay I have spent hours trying to get this to work. 好吧,我已经花了数小时试图使它生效。

I have an inner property in my json that is a json object. 我在json中有一个内部属性,它是一个json对象。 However when a device sends me the data the json in Gateway_Info is delimited. 但是,当设备向我发送数据时,Gateway_Info中的json是定界的。 This makes querying that inner object impossible (using dot notation) 这使得查询该内部对象成为不可能(使用点表示法)

Is there a way to remove the \\ character from that json string to make it valid json? 有没有办法从该json字符串中删除\\字符以使其有效为json?


        "Asset_Key": "1",
        "Defrost_Cycles": 0,
        "Freeze_Cycles": 0,
        "Float_Switch_Raw_ADC": 0,
        "Bin_status": 0,
        "Line_Voltage": 0,
        "ADC_Evaporator_Temperature": 0,
        "Mem_Sw": 0,
        "Freeze_Timer": 0,
        "Defrost_Timer": 0,
        "Water_Flow_Switch": 0,
        "ADC_Mid_Temperature": 0,
        "ADC_Water_Temperature": 0,
        "Ambient_Temperature": 1,
        "Mid_Temperature": 1,
        "Water_Temperature": 1,
        "Evaporator_Temperature": 1,
        "Gateway_Info": "{\"temp_sensor\":0.00,\"temp_pcb\":82.00,\"gw_uptime\":123912.00,\"gw_fw_version\":\"0.0.0\",\"gw_fw_version_git\":\"1-dirty\",\"gw_sn\":\"30\",\"heap_free\":10648.00,\"gw_sig_csq\":19.00,\"gw_sig_quality\":1,\"wifi_sig_strength\":0.00,\"wifi_resets\":0.00,\"modem_sim_iccid\":\"1\",\"modem_meid\":\"1\",\"modem_model\":\"1\"}",
        "ADC_Ambient_Temperature": 0

PreTrigger in cosmos db need to be defined in the code, since your data is sent by the device, so it won't work through PreTrigger . 由于您的数据是由设备发送的,因此需要在代码中定义cosmos db中的PreTrigger ,因此它无法通过PreTrigger

So, as you mentioned in your comment ,I suggest you using Azure Function CosmosTrigger to process per document before it is inserted into cosmos db. 因此,正如您在评论中提到的那样,建议您在将每个文档插入cosmos db中之前使用Azure Function CosmosTrigger对其进行处理。

My sample document: 我的样本文件:


My Azure Function CosmosTrigger code: 我的Azure Function CosmosTrigger代码:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.Azure.Documents;
using Microsoft.Azure.Documents.Client;
using Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs;
using Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Host;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;

namespace ProcessJson
    public class Class1
        public static void Run(
        [CosmosDBTrigger("db", "item", ConnectionStringSetting = "myCosmosDB")]
        IReadOnlyList<Document> documents,
        TraceWriter log)
            String endpointUrl = "***";
            String authorizationKey = "***";
            String databaseId = "db";
            String collectionId = "item";

            DocumentClient client = new DocumentClient(new Uri(endpointUrl), authorizationKey); ;

            Document doc = documents[0];

            string gateway = doc.GetPropertyValue<string>("gateway");
            JObject o = JObject.Parse(gateway);


            client.ReplaceDocumentAsync(UriFactory.CreateDocumentUri(databaseId, collectionId, doc.Id), doc);

            log.Verbose("document Id " + doc.Id);

Insert Result: 插入结果:


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