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如何在HTML代码Angular 5中的.ts文件中使用json转换键

[英]How to Use json translate key in .ts file in HTML code Angular 5

I am working with a project the requirement is translate the whole website english to thai I did 95% but facing an issue how to use json key in HTML code which is in .ts file. 我正在与一个项目一起工作,要求将整个网站的英语翻译成泰语,我做到了95%,但面临一个问题,即如何在.ts文件的HTML代码中使用json键。

.ts code .ts代码

          element: '#step_two_element_id',
          intro: `
          <div class="mobile-verification-dialog">
          <div class="portlet light bordered">
              <div class="portlet-title">
                 <div class="caption font-green-sharp">
                    <i class="icon-users font-green-sharp"></i>
                    <span class="caption-subject bold uppercase">Mobile Phone Verification</span>
                    <span class="caption-helper hide"></span>
              <div class="portlet-body">
                  <h5 class="pull-left">Enter your phone number to GET a free trial</h5>
                  <input type="text" class="form-control" placeholder="+15256458521" id="trialPhone">
                  <input type="button" class="btn btn-primary pull-right" id="trialPhoneBtn" value="Send Code">
                  <small class="block text-right">You will receive verification code shortly.</small>
          position: 'bottom'

HTML (I used translate in HTML like this) HTML(我曾使用过这样的HTML翻译)

<div class="page-bar">
    <ul class="page-breadcrumb">
            <a routerLink="/dashboard">{{ 'HOME' | translate }}</a>
            <i class="fa fa-circle"></i>
            <span>{{ 'CONFIGURE_PAGES' | translate }} </span>

You can parse that string HTML using DOMParser and then get the key like this: 您可以使用DOMParser解析该字符串HTML,然后获取如下键:

var parser = new DOMParser();
var doc = parser.parseFromString(jsonData.intro, "text/html");
//declare a global variable htmlKey
this.htmlKey = doc.getElementsByClassName("caption-subject")[0].innerHTML;

Then in your HTML you can use your pipe like this: 然后在HTML中,您可以像这样使用管道:

{{ htmlKey | translate }}

Finally i solved it out some days before. 终于我几天前解决了。 Below is code. 下面是代码。

 initTour(lang) {
    if(lang === 'en'){

    var WELLCOME= 'Wellcome'
    var SEND_CODE = "Send code"
    var VERIFY = 'Verify'
    var CODE =  'Code'

    else if(lang === 'th'){
    var WELLCOME= '惠康'
    var SEND_CODE = "发送代码"
    var VERIFY = '校验'
    var CODE =  '码'

      var tourStep1Content = `
      <div class="portlet light bordered">
      <div class="portlet-title">
           <div class="caption font-green-sharp">
              <i class="icon-users font-green-sharp"></i>
              <span class="caption-subject bold uppercase">`+WELLCOME+`</span>
              <span class="caption-helper hide"></span>
        <div class="portlet-body">

     var tourStep2Content = `
      <div class="mobile-verification-dialog">
      <div class="portlet light bordered">
          <div class="portlet-title">
             <div class="caption font-green-sharp">
                <i class="icon-users font-green-sharp"></i>
                <span class="caption-subject bold uppercase">`+VERIFY+`</span>
                <span class="caption-helper hide"></span>
          <div class="portlet-body">
              <h5 class="pull-left">`+CODE+`</h5>
              <input type="text" class="form-control" placeholder="5256458521" id="trialPhone">

      steps: [
          element: '#tour_step_1',
          intro: tourStep1Content,
          position: 'left'
          element: '#step_two_element_id',
          intro: tourStep2Content,
          position: 'bottom'

      exitOnEsc: true,
      exitOnOverlayClick: false,
      showStepNumbers: false,
      showBullets: true,
      showButtons: false


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