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[英]regex to find a particular pattern in a string in java

I need to find a particular pattern in a string and extract a substring out of it. 我需要在字符串中找到特定的模式,然后从中提取一个子字符串。 Eg of the String: 例如字符串:

{'Opening Cost P&L per store','Opening Costs Capital per store','Average Monthly Revenue','GROSS MARGIN %'}] = N:DB('Store Cost', 
    !Country and Region, DB('New Store Plan', !Country and Region, 
    !ID numbers, !Budget version, 'Retailer Type'), ATTRS('New Stores', 
    !New Stores, '}Map_}Link_New Store Plan_3CStore Cost'), DB('New Store Plan', 
    !Country and Region, !ID numbers, !Budget version, 'Size'), 
    DB('New Store Plan', !Country and Region, !ID numbers, !Budget version, 
    'Franchise/Corporate'), 'DATA')

I have to search for: 我必须搜索:
DB(' only, not other pattern like S:DB(' or DB('} . 仅限于DB(' ,而不是S:DB('DB('}等其他模式。

Then after finding this pattern I have to take text in list which is available after this pattern and in quotes only eg 然后找到该模式后,我必须将文本放在列表中,该列表在此模式之后可用,并且仅用引号

DB('Metrics cube-HumanResource',    !country, !Time, !gometric, !Metric Indicators), CONTINUE)​
DB('Metrics cube-InternalProcess',     !country, 'Total of Product', !Time, !gometric, !Metric Indicators), CONTINUE);​

then output will be: 那么输出将是:

1 - Metrics cube-HumanResource
2 - Metrics cube-InternalProcess​

This is my code. 这是我的代码。 But its not printing anything: 但它不打印任何内容:

public class StringRegex {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        String str = "{'Opening Cost P&L per store','Opening Costs Capital per store','Average Monthly Revenue','GROSS MARGIN %'}] = N:DB('Store Cost', \n" +
                "    !Country and Region, DB('New Store Plan', !Country and Region, \n" +
                "    !ID numbers, !Budget version, 'Retailer Type'), ATTRS('New Stores', \n" +
                "    !New Stores, '}Map_}Link_New Store Plan_3CStore Cost'), DB('New Store Plan', \n" +
                "    !Country and Region, !ID numbers, !Budget version, 'Size'), \n" +
                "    DB('New Store Plan', !Country and Region, !ID numbers, !Budget version, \n" +
                "    'Franchise/Corporate'), 'DATA')";
        String[] strArray = str.split(",");
        for(String s : strArray){

I would go with a Pattern and a Matcher instead of splitting the String . 我会使用PatternMatcher而不是拆分String You will get a result easier. 您将更容易获得结果。 Using the following regex : 使用以下正则表达式:


This will capture the content of every DB(.*) not precede with a : . 这将捕获每个不以:开头的DB(。*)的内容。 Using lazy quantifier *? 使用惰性量词*? will prevent problem like capturing more than just the text until the closing parenthesis. 可以避免捕获诸如仅在结束括号之前的文本之类的问题。

From Regex101 : Regex101

    String regex = ".*?[^:]DB\\((.*?)\\).*?";
    String string = "{'Opening Cost P&L per store','Opening Costs Capital per store','Average Monthly Revenue','GROSS MARGIN %'}] = N:DB('Store Cost', \n"
            + "    !Country and Region, DB('New Store Plan', !Country and Region, \n"
            + "    !ID numbers, !Budget version, 'Retailer Type'), ATTRS('New Stores', \n"
            + "    !New Stores, '}Map_}Link_New Store Plan_3CStore Cost'), DB('New Store Plan', \n"
            + "    !Country and Region, !ID numbers, !Budget version, 'Size'), \n"
            + "    DB('New Store Plan', !Country and Region, !ID numbers, !Budget version, \n" + "    'Franchise/Corporate'), 'DATA')";

    Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(regex, Pattern.MULTILINE | Pattern.DOTALL);
    Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(string);

    while (matcher.find()) {
        System.out.println("> " + matcher.group(1));

Results : 结果:

> 'New Store Plan', !Country and Region, 
    !ID numbers, !Budget version, 'Retailer Type'  
> 'New Store Plan', 
    !Country and Region, !ID numbers, !Budget version, 'Size'  
> 'New Store Plan', !Country and Region, !ID numbers, !Budget version, 

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