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RingCentral在发送传真时给我“ [OutboundFaxes]”错误

[英]RingCentral giving me error of “[OutboundFaxes]” at the time of sending FAX

I am trying to send FAX using POSTMAN using following URL "https://platform.devtest.ringcentral.com/restapi/v1.0/account/~/extension/****88004/fax" and I'm getting: 我正在尝试使用以下网址"https://platform.devtest.ringcentral.com/restapi/v1.0/account/~/extension/****88004/fax"使用POSTMAN发送传真,但我得到:

    "errorCode": "CMN-408",
    "message": "In order to call this API endpoint, user needs to have [OutboundFaxes] permission for requested resource.",
    "errors": [
            "errorCode": "CMN-408",
            "message": "In order to call this API endpoint, user needs to have [OutboundFaxes] permission for requested resource.",
            "permissionName": "OutboundFaxes"
    "permissionName": "OutboundFaxes"

There was a problem in Bearer Token at the time of making Send Fax request. 发出“发送传真”请求时,承载令牌存在问题。

Because I was using primary account details for generating Token and at the time of sending FAX I was using extensionid of extension 102 and Bearer Token was generated with Main account extension 101. That is why it was throwing [OutboundFaxes] permission error. 因为我使用主要帐户详细信息生成令牌,并且在发送传真时使用了扩展名102的扩展名,并且使用主帐户扩展名101生成了承载令牌。这就是为什么它抛出[OutboundFaxes]权限错误的原因。

To send FAX with ExtensionId of extension 102 , then generate the token using subaccount 102 details instead of main account. 要发送带有扩展名102的ExtensionId的FAX,然后使用子帐户102详细信息而不是主帐户生成令牌。

I have successfully reproduced the issue. 我已成功复制了该问题。

test case 测试用例

The root cause is just what @Jack said: authorize with extension 101 then try to send the fax with extension 102. 根本原因就是@Jack所说的:使用扩展名101授权,然后尝试发送具有扩展名102的传真。

The error message is 错误消息是

{ errorCode: 'CMN-408',
      message: 'In order to call this API endpoint, user needs to have [OutboundFaxes] permission for requested resource.',
       [ { errorCode: 'CMN-408',
           message: 'In order to call this API endpoint, user needs to have [OutboundFaxes] permission for requested resource.',
           permissionName: 'OutboundFaxes' } ],
      permissionName: 'OutboundFaxes' }

I think the error message needs to be improved. 我认为错误消息需要改进。 It's very hard to figure out the root cause by reading it. 通过阅读很难找出根本原因。 I have reported this issue to RingCentral engineering team. 我已将此问题报告给RingCentral工程团队。


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